in voilk •  5 months ago


    hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja. Greetings all, How is your challenge this time?

    Battle mage Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


    Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a summoner of the dragon legendary element. here I play it in diamond league 2 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today. (bhaltazar scholarship account)


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    as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Eartquake where All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn.
    snared units are considered no-flying. since the damage given is physical, it can be reduced to 1 if the unit has the shield ability.


    Screenshot 2024-02-24 23.36.42.png

    The rules I got for this battle are 3, namely: 1.Aimless, 2.Rise of the commons, 3.Fire and Regret. // 1).Aimless: all monsters have the scattershot ability. 2.Rise of the commons: only common and rare monsters may be used in battles. and this is the essence of the rules that I entered into this battle in the Splinterlands challenge. 3).Eartquake: non-flying monsters take 2 melee damage at the end of each round. //

    • this time the rules get 39 manacap
    • There are only 3 elements that can be used, namely: fire, earth, and dragon. with that the other 3 elements cannot be used such as ( water, life, and death. )


    Click the image to watch this battle live.

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    and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the summoner element dragon legendary while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

    strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

    card imageabilityexplanation
    This summoner has the ability all enemy monsters have -1 health. void: all friendly monsters receive the void ability at the start of the battle. shatter: all friendly monsters receive the shatter ability at the start of the battle.hello everyone, from the rules I have mentioned above. My choice for the summoner I chose in this battle is IMMORTALIS. This is a legendary summoner from the earth element which is quite important in every battle and is quite mandatory for you to have. There are several reasons I chose him in this battle. I know enough that because of the current rules, most people will choose their 2 favorite summoners. The first is between dragon and earth in the case of this battle where I know enough that there are several monster cards that are quite reliable in battles with rules like this that rely on flying abilities. However, my filling is still the earth element which was chosen because there is one obstacle, namely the rule of having to use common cards, where as far as I know, the monster cards in the dragon element are mostly legendary monster cards. straight away, this is the card I chose.!
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.02.25.png GARGOYA LIONmonster card This has the abilities: flying, void , enrage, scattershot, and shatter in this battle.The first monster card I chose in this battle was GARGOYA LION. The reason I used him in this battle as a tank is of course the abilities he has. flying and void abilities are things that he has for me to avoid and be sure that later my enemy will use several monster cards with magic attack abilities which makes me choose him as first or tank in this battle.
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.03.10.png VENARI MARKSRATThis monster card has the abilities: martyr, snare , scattershot, void and shatter in this battle.My second choice of monster card is VENARI MARKSRAT. just like before he is a monster card with a neutral element which is quite useful for me. Apart from it being a card that has a low mana cost, I am relying on its snare ability in this battle to catch several monster cards that have flying abilities belonging to my enemy and will receive a small penalty as per the battle rules this time. That's not all, I rely on him as a sacrifice when he dies, it doesn't matter because it will give additional stats to my monster cards that are next to him.
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.03.49.png MERCENARY TROOKERkar This monster has the abilities: flying, healing , retaliate, void, scattershot, and shatter. in this battle.The third monster card that I chose in this battle was MERCENARY CRAFTSMAN. he is a monster card with the earth element. It's enough not to be included because he can't attack in third position, but I'm counting on him to act as a substitute later when the monster card in the forward position dies and I hope he will replace it quite strongly with his current abilities. In my opinion he is very important in this battle because I am quite confident in choosing him in this battle.
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.04.32.png FUNCTION F LINGERThis monster card has the abilities: martyr, blind , afflection, scattershot, void and shatter. in this battle.The fourth monster card that I chose in this battle is FUNGUS FLINGER. he is a monster card with an earth element and I want to use the martyr's combo ability in this battle. I chose him because of his abilities and low mana cost. The reason I chose him was that I was quite sure that my opponent's monster cards would have healing abilities and I was relying on him to counter that ability by giving poison so that the healing ability was no longer useful in this battle plus the ability to increase stats as a combo that I was talking about.
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.05.10.png REGAL PERYTONkartu monsters ini memiliki kemampuan: flying, scattershot, void and shatter dalam battle kali ini.kartu monster yang kelima yang saya pilih dalam battle kali ini adalah REGAL PERYTON. dia adalah kartu monster dengan pilihan yang tepat untuk battle kali ini. kemampuan yang dimilikinya sangat menguntungkan dan peraturan ini dan dia cukup cepat untuk melawan musuh dengan speed yang dimiliki. dia akan menjadi pilihan favorit dalam battle kali ini menurut saya namun saya sudah memiliki penghalang dia dengan menggunakan summoner yang memberikan kemampuan void ke semua kartu monster saya yang akan mengurangi semua serangan dari magic attack yang akan diterima pada saat battle.
    Screenshot 2024-02-25 00.05.48.png MYCELIC SLIPSPAWNThis monster card has the abilities: taunt, forcefield , slow, scattershot, void, shatter in this battle.and the sixth and final monster card I chose was MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN. even though I know enough that all the monsters will attack randomly and one of his abilities will be useless but I still chose him because he has a lot of health and I want to equip him with the remaining manacap and my best choice for the monster cards I have is him . so I'm confident enough to win this battle by using him at the end of my strategy this time.


    You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


    ronde 1

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    ronde 2

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    ronde 3

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    ronde 4

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    ronde 5

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    ronde 6

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    and finally I won.

    in this battle the summoner was the key to my victory. After you know my strategy this time, move on to my assessment of my enemy's strategy this time. as I previously said, my opponent this time chose a dragon summoner which in my opinion is not suitable for battle with rules like this. Judging from the summoner we chose, I'm quite optimistic about winning. Judging from the first round, our strategy was quite similar and each summoner showed off his abilities. In this strategy clash, I got quite a lot of attacks at the start. and there are several of my monster cards with attacks that don't go according to plan. Moving on to the second round, one of my monster cards died and I lost the monster card that still survived until the second round. Continuing the 3rd round, I lost again in the number of monster cards I had. and in the 4th to last round my strategy worked quite perfectly and I managed to win with 6 rounds of battle this time.

    I won and got +26 points and +4.8 sps in this battle
    that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



    Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.


    • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
    • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
    • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterland
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