Destroy All Your Opponent's Plans | BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! Counterspell Ruleset | Splinterlands

in voilk •  5 months ago


    In battles with the Counterspell Ruleset, all Monsters receive the Magic Reflect Ability at the start of the battle. And when Monsters with the Magic Reflect Ability are hit with magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.

    BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge

    RULESET: Counterspell


    All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

    Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up. Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks. The amplify ability increases damage. Click for More

    By the way, Monsters with the Amplify Ability increases Magic Reflect's damage to all enemy units by 1. By the way, just one Monster with the Amplify Ability that you add to your lineup will increase Magic Reflect's damage to all enemy units by 1. Using Magic Reflect Ability and Amplify Ability together is a combination that works very well against Magic attackers, I would never hesitate to use this combination if I sense that the opposing player is going to use Magic Attack Monsters. However, in battles with the Counterspell Ruleset, most players do not use Magic Attack Monsters because because using them can be a huge disadvantage in battles with the counterspell ruleset. However, I would never hesitate to add Magic Attack Monsters to my team if I believe they will help my strategy. I will talk about this briefly in the battle below.

    I will share one of my most interesting battles with the Counterspell ruleset, I hope you like it.


    Battle Link

    Battle Ruleset

    • Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.

    Magic Reflect Ability : When hit with Magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.


    Since the battle has the Counterspell curse, all Monsters in this battle will receive the Magic Reflect Ability at the start of the battle.

    Before starting the battle, when I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opposing player and considered the rulesets of the battle, It was difficult to predict what kind of strategy the opposing player would team up with, so I had to consider every possibility to win this battle. However, I was almost sure that the opposing team would have a Monster with Martyr Ability in the first position, so I will not attack the first position.

    Since I believe that I can win this battle with Katrelba Gobson, who has Bloodlust Ability, Sneak Ability, Double Strike Ability and Snare Ability, I will adjust my strategy according to Katrelba Gobson. Katrelba Gobson is a gladiator card so I will choose Helios Matriarch as the Summoner to add her to my team. Additionally, thanks to Helios Matriarch, all monsters in my team will have +1 speed, which I believed would give my team an advantage in this battle. I will also take great care to ensure that Katrelba Gobson is not the target of the enemies, otherwise my entire strategy will be ruined.

    Although using Magic Attack Monsters is a big disadvantage in this battle, I will add Queen Mycelia, who has the Protect Ability, to my team as I believe that having armor will provide a great advantage in this battle. Thanks to Queen Mycelia, all monsters in my team will have +2 armor.

    I will put Thane Newsong, who has no attack power, in the first position. As I mentioned above, I thought there would be a monster with the martyr ability in the first position in the opposing team, and not destroying it was important for my strategy to work well. Additionally, since Thane Newsong had the Inspire Ability, Katrelba Gobson would be able to attack the targets more powerfully.

    Finally, the other 3 monsters I added to the team were to distract the monsters on the opposing team, and they were monsters that already cost 0 and 1 mana. However, I specifically put Mycelic Morphoid with Thorns Ability in the last position because I took into account the possibility of Sneak monsters in the opposing team.



    Helios Matriarch is a Dragon Summoner that grants +1 speed to all friendly monsters and allows the use of one additional Gladiator card in battle. I chose Helios Matriarch as the Summoner so that I could use the Katrelba Gobson gladiator card in this battle. Additionally, thanks to Helios Matriarch, all monsters in my team would have +1 speed, and I believed that having high speed would be advantageous in this battle.

    Position 1: THANE NEWSONG

    Thane Newsong is a Earth Monster that has no attack power and has Inspire Ability and Strengthen Ability at level 3. And I put Thane Newsong in the first position. I have already mentioned above why I added Thane Newsong to my team and put it in the first position, please take a look at my strategy section.

    • Inspire Ability : Gives all friendly Units +1 Melee attack.
    • Strengthen Ability : All friendly Units have their Health increased by 1.

    Position 2: KRA'AR XOC

    Kra'ar Xoc is a Dragon that has no attack power and has Scavenger Ability from level 1. The main reasons why I added Kra'ar Xoc to my team was that it only costs 1 mana and has the Scavenger Ability. And I put Kra'ar Xoc in the second position.

    • Scavenger Ability : Gains 1 max health each time any unit dies.

    Position 3: QUEEN MYCELIA

    Queen Mycelia is an Earth Monster that can attack the target with a Magic Attack and has Protect Ability at level 1. Although using Magic Attack Monsters is a disadvantage in this battle, I added Queen Mycelia to my team because I believe that having all the monsters in my team with extra +2 armor will give my team a great advantage. And I put Queen Mycelia in the third position.

    • Protect Ability : All friendly Units gain +2 Armor.

    Position 4: KATRELBA GOBSON

    Katrelba Gobson is a Gladiator that can attack the target with Melee Attacks and has the Bloodlust Ability, Sneak Ability, Double Strike Ability and Snare Ability at level 5. Katrelba Gobson is a very powerful Gladiator who can be very effective in battles with her abilities, and I added her to my team because I believe that she can be very effective in this battle and can help me win the battle. My goal was to destroy all enemies with Katrelba Gobson, starting from the monster in the last position of the opposing team. For my strategy in this battle to work well, Katrelba Gobson had to never be destroyed, otherwise I could not win this battle, so I put her in the fourth position and took great care not to let her be the first target of the enemies. The only ability that could disrupt my strategy is the Scattershot Ability, and I hope the opposing team doesn't have a monster with such an ability.

    • Bloodlust Ability : This Monster revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
    • Sneak Ability : Targets the last Unit on the enemy Team instead of the first Unit.
    • Double Strike Ability : This unit attacks twice each round.
    • Snare Ability : When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss.

    Position 5: FUNGUS FIEND

    Fungus Fiend is a Earth Monster that can attack the target with a Melee Attack. The most important reason why I added Fungus Fiend to my team is that it costs 0 mana. And I put Fungus Fiend in the fifth position.

    Position 6: MYCELIC MORPHOID

    Mycelic Morphoid is an Earth Monster that can attack the target with a Melee Attack and has the Thorns Ability from level 3. The most important reason why I added Mycelic Morphoid to my team was that it cost 1 mana, but having the Thorns Ability is also a great advantage. Considering that the opposing team might have Sneak Monsters with Melee Attack, I put it last position because it has the Thorns Ability.

    • Thorns Ability : When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker.


    You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

    Round 1

    To be honest, the opposing player's strategy was also quite good, it is really difficult to hit a monster like Void Dragon. If I had only targeted the monster in the first position, it would have been very difficult to win this battle, but luckily my team will not target the monster in the first position, so I pay great attention to reviewing the opponent player's recent battles before determining my strategy.

    At the beginning of the first round, it was admirable that Katrelba Gobson destroyed Queen Mycelia on the opposing team, thus removing the armor of the monsters on the opposing team, and Katrelba Gobson received +1 to all her stats.

    And the opposing team's Katrelba Gobson was destroyed by back damage from Thorns. If Katrelba Gobson on the opposing team had armor and Mycelic Morphoid on my team did not have armor, Katrelba Gobson would not be destroyed and Katrelba Gobson would receive +1 to all her stats. That's why I attach great importance to armor in such battles. At the end of the first round, while 2 monsters from the opposing team were destroyed, no monsters from my team could be destroyed.

    Round 2

    I love the Snare Ability because it doesn't miss even the hardest to hit monsters like Void Dragon. Since Katrelba Gobson had the Snare Ability, she easily destroyed the Void Dragon and thus received +1 to all her stats. At the end of the second round, only Vruz remained on the opposing team.

    Round 3

    In the third round, Vruz was also destroyed by Katrelba Gobson and my team managed to win this battle. Katrelba Gobson did a great job in this battle and by the end of the battl her stats were admirable.

    The battle lasted only 3 rounds, and at the end of the battle, all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, while all the monsters on my team were still alive. Frankly, the opposing player's strategy was also good, but my strategy worked much better and my team won such a battle quite easily. First of all, I can say that reviewing the opponent player's recent battles before determining my strategy was very useful in this battle. If I had targeted the enemy monster in the first position and not chosen Katrelba Gobson, the opposing player could have won this battle, but fortunately I did not do such a thing and my team won the battle quite easily. I recommend you to watch this very interesting and challenging battle from the Battle Link. I hope you will like it.


    Finally, although using Magic Attack Monsters is a disadvantage in battles with the Counterspell Ruleset, I never hesitate to use them when I believe they will help my strategy, and in the battle above, Queen Mycelia with the Protect Ability was the secret hero of the battle. For example, I am leaving another battle link here, you can watch it if you have time. I used 2 Magic Attack Monsters in this battle and they helped my strategy incredibly, so I do not hesitate to add all the monsters that can help my strategy to my team.

    All Images Taken from Splintelands.

    What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

    Battle Link

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    Thank you for reading.

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