Brave Browser: Its My Time for a Change

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Anju Julius Blog Images.png

    It's been over four years since I started using the Brave browser. Brave was introduced to me by my crypto native friends primarily for earning BAT tokens. Fast forward to today, and it's become my default on all my devices, but the love story might be taking an unexpected turn.

    Back in the day, Brave was my go-to not just for blocking ads but also for its cool feature of letting people tip me after reading my blog. That was a sweet bonus for a content creator like me. But lately, the whole "blockchain and money-making" narrative seems to have taken over the original charm.

    Don't get me wrong; I still cherish the ad-free and chill experience Brave offers. So much so that it's become a staple across my devices. However, after almost six years, I'm contemplating a switch to the mainstream players like Chrome. Why? Well, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in Brave land.

    One major hiccup is the compatibility issue with some sites. Take my Adobe Creative Cloud, for instance. Trying to open the "My Account" section feels like staring at a void – just a blank page. And it's not just Adobe; there are other sites where I have to fill out forms, and, surprise surprise, the forms don't play nice with Brave.

    Then there's the recurring nightmare of losing all my browser profiles. I meticulously set up different profiles for different tasks, especially client works. I had everything bookmarked and organized until one fine day, Brave decided to wipe them all out. Recreating them wasn't a walk in the park, and it never felt the same again. Thought it might be a one-time glitch, but nope, it even messed up after recreating the profiles. And I'm tired of these accidents.

    So, the hard decision is on the table – I might bid adieu to Brave. Are you a Brave user? Is it your ride-or-die browser? Or do you have a go-to that's been giving you less grief? I'm all ears (well, eyes, technically). Let's swap browser tales and see if there's a brighter, glitch-free cyber horizon out there.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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