An Ideal World; Imagination.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In a world without borders and the issue of insecurity, there would be significant changes in various aspects of society. Here's a glimpse of what such a world might look like:

    • Freedom of movement: people would be able to move freely without any restrictions and meet different people all over the world. They would learn about new cultures and experiences.

    • Cultural diversity: With unrestricted movement, people from different cultures would have more opportunities to interact and learn from one another. This would lead to a richer cultural exchange, fostering understanding, tolerance, and the appreciation of diversity. People would know that they have more in common than they see from afar.

    • Economic Growth: The removal of borders would drastically transform global trade and commerce. Imagine each country sharing their resources and ideas to better another country; there would be hunger in the world. Sometimes when I watch the news and I see people dying of hunger and taste, it breaks my heart. Can't they be transported to another country with better living conditions?

    Image sourced from Unsplash

    Anyway, I would stop at these three points because I would like to answer a series of questions about whether such a world exists.

    What kind of person would I be?

    I'm definitely going to be a traveler. I was born a traveller, and I wouldn't mind living my life travelling around the world. In my country, out of the 36 states, I have been to 18 of them. I started travelling at the age of 16 alone, and the experience was great. Since then, I have always travelled if the opportunity came.


    What My Daily Life Will Be Like.

    In a world where I don't have to worry about security and can move freely, my daily life will be exploring the location I find myself in. There are so many natives all over the world, and I would like to try their foods. I once ate a meal from our neighbouring country, "Cameroon," and it was so delicious. That was the last time, and I wish I could have another taste of the meal.


    Is such a world possible?

    Personally, I don't think such a world is possible. Humans have grown to hate themselves, and they forget what makes them human. Many people from different countries feel entitled to the land they live on, forgetting they will die one day and leave it for another generation. Too many believe that if they don't match up with other people's customs and traditions, they won't allow such a world to exist. It may exist somewhere on Mars, but not here on Earth.


    It's important to note that while a world without borders and insecurity may appear idealistic, it would also pose complex challenges that would need to be addressed. The transition to such a world would require a collective effort, strong global governance, and a commitment to shared values of cooperation, understanding, and respect for human rights, which the world lacks currently. Anyway, I still wish the best for everyone on Earth.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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