A newly found ways to make vegetable appetizer to the next level.

in voilk •  5 months ago


    A wonderful day to the beautiful people of the Hive world. It's me again @chimegipamus sharing something new in the world of food.

    I have always been a food lover, critic, and discoverer. I love watching food videos and try it on my own. This time I will share with you how to make veggies pickled and the ideas why we must try it. It was the basic food storage in the countries that experienced winter. And even if the Philippines is not experiencing winter it is the best way to store food as we know prices of any commodities are rising so fast.


    Peeled and sliced cucumbers with spring onions

    The Ingredients!

    Any available vegetables in your pantry like:
    spring onion
    bell peppers
    quail egg (optional)


    I used glass jars from kaong

    For the condiments we have:
    1 cup white vinegar
    1 1/2 cup white sugar
    5 cups water
    3 tablespoon salt

    Prepare a glass container and boil it to 37 degrees Celsius.


    First, you peel and wash all the vegetables you like to be pickled. Then slice it to your desired cut, and set aside. In the pot put water and bring it to a boil. When the water is boiling blanch the veggies starting with the cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers lastly the shallots and spring onion. Do not blanch the garlic and cucumber, they might lose their crispiness.


    Our quail egg

    Be sure you already boiled and peeled the quail egg. After blanching get another pot and put 5 cups of water, vinegar, white sugar, and salt. Do not forget to put the peppercorn and bring it to a boil. Please do not stir until boiling.


    Water vinegar Solution

    While waiting for the solution to boil let us prepare our glass jar. Arrange the veggies in each jar according to your likeness.
    Please include the cucumber layered with other veggies. Put the shallot on the bottom of the jar. Do not forget to put the garlic on top of all veggies together with the eggs.


    Arranging the veggies


    After the solution is at boiling point, turn off the heat and give it a rest for about two minutes. Then get a flannel and pour the liquid solution into each jar until the brim. Once all the jars are filled with the liquid take the lid and close it properly. Then turn the jar upside down to see if the liquid does not leak. leave it as it is until the jar gets cold.


    The finished product


    Putting the solution

    Then there you have it, pickled veggies for an appetizer. So good to eat it alone or as an appetizer. Perfect for any occasion. It can also be a perfect gift for someone who likes to eat vegetables. It is packed with vitamins and minerals essential for our body. It helps diabetic patients reduce their sugar levels. It can lessen chronic diseases that lead to cancer.

    I know not everybody loves to eat vegetables, then you can also make fruit pickled. Those available fruits in your pantry that our children seldom pick to eat and sometimes rotten due to nobody like it then pickled ideas can be helpful to make it stay longer and avoid food waste. Maybe there are times we are so tired to cook then this can help. You can even make it a business selling pickled fruits and veggies.


    Healthy Appetizer

    You can search for all the benefits to know more about pickled foods. For me, it is very helpful especially if we are not getting any younger. There is a saying that says, "You are what you eat".

    That would be all for today I hope you are learning something for this blog. Thank you for always supporting my stories.

    This is @chimegipamus! See you in my next Hiventure🤗

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