# The Glint Wars - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 45 Report Card

in voilk •  2 months ago


    I super love Pixel Art and so I'm very impressed with this artwork of Xander Foxwood by @mmjs826. Great stuff!

    Hi everyone!

    Firstly, big shout out to @kiokizz for updating the Season Report Card in the same season that the Rewards Rework went live. After the changes from Splinterlands Inc, it looks like most sites like PeakMonsters, Splintershare, etc broke and get stuck on perpetual loading screens, but kiokizz is on it. Thank you!

    Match Report


    RankChampion #890Gold #549
    Rating3860 - Champion III2700 - Gold I
    Rating High39402760
    Ratio (Win/Loss)1.32 (87/66)1.02 (61/60)
    Longest Streak126

    I'm definitely hitting higher heights than I have for years. I think Gold I is higher than I've ever ever been in Modern, and I was only 3 wins off hitting Champion II, which is I used to always hang out until Chaos Legion came out and then I never saw it again. So that was exciting, even though I couldn't quite get over the line.

    I'm really happy with both of these Win/Loss ratios. Wins definitely seem to come in waves, sometimes I just cannot win no matter what I try, and sometimes I build up great win streaks for seemingly no reason.

    I will say in Modern I did find that I was struggling to find games at certain times... the matchmaking essentially timed out a bunch of times... but that hasn't been an issue for days now, so thanks to the team for sorting that out.

    Rewards Report

    Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

    Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
    148✨ 74068 Glint + ⭐881.805 SPS

    Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

    Unfortunately Splintershare.info hasn't updated, so I grabbed a bunch of screenshots instead.

    Here is my activity screen for Glint right after the season ended:

    The Rewards Report is correct, but confusing.
    In the screenshot, you can see that I earnt 74,068 Glint from battles in both Wild and Modern in Season 45. I also won 158,136 as the End of Season rewards for Season 45, but I technically claimed them a few minutes into Season 46. It'll be interesting to see how this report evolves over time.

    Essentially I earnt 232,204 Glint in total in Season 45.

    The next question is... what did I do with the Glint I won?

    I still need to max out a ton of soulbound reward cards:

    Link : https://splintercards.com/tool-reward-soulbound.html?a=aussieninja&e=r

    You can see from the Reward & Gladius Soulbound monitor on Splintercards that I've gotten 96% of the way to maxing out the Common cards, but I'm still less than half way to maxing out the Epic and Legendary cards. I want to get as many Epic and Legendary cards as I can.

    You can see in the table above the chances of getting those cards.

    I mentioned in my Season 44 report, I had tried a Master Draw at 5,000 and had gotten 2 common cards... so I wanted to be smart about it.

    Fortunately, @jovak has two great videos out that I found extremely helpful:

    Splinterlands GLINT Deep dive! What is the best way to spend it?

    Splinterlands GLINT Deep Dive Part 2 - Maximizing cards/Gold Foils/ Legendaries!

    The bit I found most helpful was where Jovak showed that between 200K and 250K glint, Veteran Draws give you the best deal, ie, the most Common cards and a good amount of Rare and Epic:

    I purchased 60+ Veteran Draws, and some Adept and Initiate when I ran out of Glint... this is what my shop looked like afterwards:

    Here is what I got from those draws. Note that I've turned off potions on Rewards.

    Veteran Batch 1 : 57 Common
    Veteran Batch 2 : 14 Common, 10 Rare, 3 Epic
    Veteran Batch 3 : 42 Common, 4 Rare
    Veteran Batch 4 : 46 Common
    Veteran Batch 5 : 20 Common, 1 GF Common, 7 Rare
    Veteran Batch 6 : 23 Common, 9 Rare

    202 Common, 20 Rare, 3 Epic, 1 GF Common

    Initiate Batch 1 : 9 Common, 1 Rare
    Initiate Batch 2 : 8 Common, 2 Rare
    Initiate Batch 3 : 5 Common, 5 Rare
    Adept Batch 1 : 16 Common, 2 Rare
    Adept Batch 2 : 9 Common, 6 Rare

    47 Common, 16 Rare

    Overall : 249 Common, 36 Rare, 3 Epic, 1 GF Common = 289 cards.

    This is totally comparable to last season Loot Chest haul of 320 cards. Yes, it's down a little, but not by much.

    If I get around 230K Glint again I might try Elite Draws instead and compare... and if I get over 250K Glint then I definitely will.

    It also sounds like Splinterlands Inc will be including Rarity Draw options in the store, so that's exciting too. Very curious on the costs.

    🟣 Rental Report

    Expenses (inc. fees)(33.428)
    Cancellation Refunds0.000

    Rentals a little bit down from previous seasons, but again, not by much.

    I'm definitely missing the SPS Report section of the Season Report Card... I hope it comes back soon.

    I'm definitely having a great time in Splinterlands at the moment. I've got maxed versions of the new halfing celebration Legendary Baron Fyatt (but no versions of the Henchling Enforcer - I just don't have the vouchers or DEC for both) and the airdropped card Venka the Vile and I like that they've both had an effect on the meta. For me Venka has been a brutal addition...

    Hope the game is going well for you too!

    Thanks for reading!

    Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
    This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
    Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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