in voilk •  4 months ago

    This week I've had a few battles so far and got my second win hehe… it wasn't tough because it came after a couple of losses. Although the losses were not as much as the ones I encountered before my first win, I think I'm really getting a hang of it and beginning to enjoy the experience better than before. For today's social media challenge, I thought I would share my second win which went well, it was what I like to describe as a well-fought battle because my opponent really had me, and for a second I thought I was going to lose again until I saw I had a fighting chance. It was interesting to know I didn't even read the rule set this time or check my opponent's last battles or do anything special in choosing my summoner card and monsters.


    So when I saw I was winning I began to see how my careless strategy turned out to be even more intelligent than I imagined. It was in the game I began to understand what was going on and why I had a fighting chance with my selections, I think it's okay to say it was mere luck on my side with a bit of experience from several losses. At least I know some of the cards to avoid in Bronze III, but I still have issues with my card arrangement. In this game, I was more happy because I thought I made a mistake by placing the healing card last but it turned out to be in my favor as it helped my other monsters survive to the end. I suffered some casualties because my opponent seemed to know exactly what he/she was doing, I'm just happy to have won either way.



    I decided to stick with Kelya Frendul as my Summoner again seeing it was what gave me my first win, and now it's given me my second win hehe. However, this time I decided to place my monsters in a little different setting just to see what comes out. For this game, I worked with a man of 39. For the first position, I decided to put flying suid ahead of my normal deeplurker. After which I went ahead to put the sea dog of eight in the second position. I really wasn't thinking when I placed the card, but then I understood why the flying suid was best left in the second position with its reachability. But I think it was also possible for the flying suid to have an edge since it usually attacks from close range.



    Sea Dog of eight in the second position wasn't so bad at all, when my first card was taken out, this particular card held the fold for a while hehe… I don't even know what made me Put Grimbardun Fighter as my third card, but it was good at holding the fold when my second card failed. With six health and a shield, it was easy to hold on as Merdaali Guidia was there to heal up. I also added Nimbledook Ranger because of its ability to shoot from anywhere. I think that was the only intentional decision I took in this particular game.

    You can register for the splinterlands game here

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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