Has the WHO Pandemic Treaty Failed?

in voilk •  last month

    Interesting developments this week as reports have emerged that the WHO Pandemic Treaty that was due to be agreed on in Geneva this week have failed. However, there are some conflicting reports and narratives as is usually the case with a big Globalist Agenda item like this and its corresponding resistance from the Freedom Movement worldwide.


    There are some commentators calling this a complete failure as it’s being reported that Britain – specifically – rejected the proposed treaty on the grounds that it would override its Sovereignty. Yes, of course it would do that and many believe that is the main point of it. The only real surprise here is that this objection came from Britain, which is currently being governed by WEF stooge Sunak the Snake. It seems fairly clear to me that Sunak is on his way out...

    Other reports like THIS ONE from a more mainstream source does admit to the treaty faltering but goes some way to deny that this is a failure. A couple of notable quotes that are worth pointing out.

    From Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board :-

    ”We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process”

    From WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus :-

    ”This is not a failure...We will try anything...and make this happen”

    In terms of Polispeak this sounds like an attempt to save face as a denial of failure is a fairly classic sign of failure. However, I’ve seen how these guys operate and they often will just regroup, pivot and come again at the issue another way so this is what I expect them to do.

    What I’ve found most interesting is that some of the alternative channels that I follow for non-mainstream news have NOT picked up this story. This is a little bit unsettling so it is a bit hard to know what the truth of the situation is. For today, however, I will consider this to be good news. It may not be a total failure of the WHO Pandemic Treaty but it is certainly a setback and that buys the resistance some more time...

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