A Happy Time - April 24, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in voilk •  2 months ago

    2nd geranium flower crop April 2024.jpg

    On Thursday morning I was up at 4AM as I had a lot to do before I was picked up to go to lunch. This geranium is the one I brought inside late last fall. It looked pretty sad all winter until I could move it to a south window. I guess it’s happy now.

    I got the post up and chores done and laundry started.

    Basil seedlings crop April 2024.jpg

    I spent about 1½ hours cleaning up the kitchen disaster before moving onto the seedlings. These basil and some balsam and wallflowers had been abandoned since being planted a week ago Monday. I’d never lowered the light and they got pretty stretched out. I thinned them, leaving the smaller ones and moved them all so they would have optimal light height.

    Roundtop seedlings crop April 2024.jpg

    They all needed water so I got that done. I’d ask the cousins if we could swing by the co-op to get seeds and they agreed, picking me up a half hour early.

    Carrot seeds crop April 2024.jpg

    These looked pretty on the package and I didn’t know any of the other varieties, so these are it.

    Margo and Rudi and owner crop April 2024.jpg

    We got to sit in the warm sun outside the restaurant waiting for the others to arrive. It’s the same restaurant we went to last time. The Austrian cousin likes to talk to the owner who is from Montenegro.

    This group gets on well and there are a lot of jokes and smiles, and laughter. We share stories from the recent to funny ones from the past. It’s a nice leisurely time that we enjoy each other being together. And the food is pretty good, too.

    South Herb - flowering almonds crop April 2024.jpg

    South Herb – the difference 6’ makes, flowering almonds

    South Herb - white violets crop April 2024.jpg

    South Herb – white violets

    Once back home, in a rain storm, I didn’t get much else done in the afternoon. My brother got home at 5PM and we made a supper of salad and country sausage gravy. He had his on rice.

    On Wednesday he will go with me to take the car to be inspected, as the sticker expired in February. I hope to finish seedlings and putting things away in the kitchen. Once it warms up, I want to finish planting carrots. I can’t do a lot in the gardens as I have an event at the Senior Center in the afternoon. Depending on when I get outside, I might try to get some mulching done.

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