The Burrowing Owl Shot's #175

in voilk •  5 months ago

    "Burrowing Owl"

    Shot by Shoemanchu

    Date 2-11-24

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    Good evening Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, I got a special treat for you all and its my first time capture of an Owl. This Owl here is called a Burrowing Owl and as I take a break from the Red Tail Ranch shot's to bring to you all something different. I am excited to present these to you all tonight and their will be more posts on this Burrowing Owl too. I took many shot's and I got many good ones on this day, it was my first time going to a place called Rob's Field and it sure was fun. I had actually got about six or seven new bird species from this location as well, so we will be showing off some goodies here in the coming weeks. My local photographers kept telling me to go down here and after a month I finally did it and this little guy was still there. I heard he comes down every winter and he is the only one that shows up here. I got a lot of exciting things to show as well, I recently went twice to a Military Base to take shot's of the Blue Angel's, yes a different kind of bird one with such power created by man. These jet's are something else and it was probably my funniest time shooting. I also just went again recently and the Air Force Thunderbird's showed up to practice with the Blue Angels before they all kick off their aviation shows. I'm almost done with the first trip, just the Blue Angel's and a first time shoot too and then I will edit the second trip. So expect some awesome aviation shot's coming in the weeks too.

    Now let's get back to this Burrowing Owl, I was able to get about five feet away from him, I suppose I am a bird whisperer, haha. Anyways this was the first shot's early morning as the Sun came up but not shinning on him yet, so with that said the first shot above the cover is my favorite of them all in the first shoot, well they all are my favorites to be honest. It's patience to wait for him to get his eyes wide open, seems like he really wants to sleep but we did it. Oh and I forgot to mention, the trip for the aviation too, they have many Burrowing Owl's out there in the farm fields, so more will come of that too. Now for the second shot, he is looking hard at me but he is so cool and cute in my opinion.


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    Now for the third shot, I can say this every female would just love to have these eye lashes for sure, it was the first picture I sent to my wife, and she was like true that, haha.


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    This side view in this next shot is so cool and he actually was shaking off but out of all those, this was the only real good one, I suppose I was not ready for him to shake off.


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    Now for the last shot here out of all five shot's presented today, which is cool, since I have so many good ones the Burrowing Owl posts will have a lot of shot's on each post. For the last one is me trying to get more of a close up portrait with the feathers in detail. I managed to do it and I had it a bit brighter but had some noise in my other edit shot, so this was the best edit. When I edit my shot's I do like five to ten of them, that's why it takes me so long to get through two thousand shot's, not really fun but someone has to do it. Stay tuned so much more to come. Anyways I am proud of these shot's and I hope you all love them, as I always do, I appreciate you all stopping by my blog and post. To you all and your family, be safe and have a blessed one.

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    Hold up, hold up I got one more shot I missed of the early morning shot, more shot's more fun. Hope you enjoy this one too....


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    Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

    These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.


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