There are many initiatives on threads and you can engage in them

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Threads is something I love so much and it gives me an opportunity to express myself, threads is a place I can share different things like how my day is going and other vital informations , anyone can share things freely on threads and can get vote from other users who likes what they have shared in threads, there are new things now on threads, like the #newsonleo and #musiconleo this means you can now find current news on threads and music, including music videos now on threads, this is truly amazing. In threads everyone is given an opportunity to air his views without any limitations and this is the best thing I love so much about threads, everyone is also given an opportunity to seek for answers to any questions the have, the can do this by making use of #feedback and the will get answers to any question the have, before threads on inleo I was using X to express myself and talk about my day but since I got to know about threads I have been making the best use of it, and I have been sharing my thoughts about different things and am getting a reply from other users, am so being active on other users threads and engaging meaningfully.


    There are many initiatives on threads which everyone can participate in and get marvelous rewards, I will be mentioning some of this initiative on threads so that anyone can join and participate in this initiative.

    February monthly prompt

    First on my this in the threads initiative is the February initiative which is a current initiative that started on the 02/02/2024 this initiative will last for the rest of this month and everyone is invited to join and participate in this initiative, you can join this initiative this weekend and make some post based on the topics in the February initiative list, and the amazing thing is that you can get curation from Leo.voter for the post you make based on the topic, and you also stand a chance to get a Leo premium subscription, So for this initiative there are giving out 50 Leo premium subscription to participate and this is double prize because you will get curation and at same time stand a chance to get Leo premium subscription.

    If you will love to join this initiative, here's a link to the initiative below 👇👇

    Initiative -february monthly prompt

    Weekend Threading -Mini Contest

    This is the second initiative I will be talking about and this initiative is on threads, in this initiative, different communities join hands with INLEO and organize a weekend threading mini contest and we are on weekends so you can engage in this threads and have fun doing so. There have been different topics provided by different communities which everyone can participate in, so the communities gives us an idea of what the want us to write about and then we engage and write, just like the initial initiative I talked about have a prize, this weekend threading initiative also has a prize for participates.

    • 1 HBD for 3 winners

    • Leo for 5 winners

    You can join as many communities you want in this initiative and you can be among the winners, also their your best to have engagement in your threads because it really counts.

    Here are some of the link to this weekend threading mini contest, you can click and read and also participate.

    This are some of the main threads initiative, you can join and participate in them and get amazing prizes, this initiatives also helps you to be active on threads and being active in threads is very important.


    There are many things on threads and if you are not making use or engaging in threads you are really missing a lot, in threads you can find things like;

    • Musiconleo; in threads now you can find music you can play and use it to enjoy yourself and have fun, you can also see different music videos, threads have made it possible for us to access music videos that we may not have watched but because of threads we can see the videos, for example, personally there are many music videos I have watched on threads which I may not have been able to watch but thanks to thread I was able to watch them.

    • Gmfrens; Threads gives you an opportunity to interact with other lions and exchange greetings with them, you can also ask after them and drop a motivation quotes for them.

    • Lastest; This is where you see latest threads and you can be updated with what's happening and also engage in the lastest threads, this is a very nice feature in threads I love so much.

    • Newsonleo, you can see news now on inleo, current news and what's happening, this news comes in different angles like sports, politics, weather and other important News.

    Conclusion, this are some of the threads initiative, remember you can join any of this initiative and stand a chance to win amazing prizes, there are so many things on threads and you need to start making use of threads, remember you can express your self on threads and each with other users threads while you are making yours, I will love to see you all on threads, here's a link to lastest threads you may love to read.

    This is my second entry for the February initiative by @leo.tasks you can join this initiative and make post based on the topics provided by the February initiative, so you no longer have to be worried about the topics you will write because there are many topics for you to engage in. Here is the link to the February initiative

    Thumbnail from free site source

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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