in voilk •  4 months ago

    As a child, walking down the streets, people always refer me to as my father's daughter. He took me to every function he attended and his friends always said I looked more like him. As a grown-up, the more I look into it, I look a lot like my mom. Most of my characteristics are from my mom and even physical traits. The character I inherited has helped to shape my life and keeps me in check.


    One thing I know is he's a peace lover, always avoiding quarrels or anything violent. Since I was growing up, I haven't seen my dad insult someone; he would rather walk away than cause a commotion, especially to attention-seeking people. Recently he had some very serious issues, you know the land issue where the same people who sold a plot of land to you will still get to sell your land to another person. Even in this situation, he wasn't rilled up, it's only when my mom goes with him to the meeting they hold, that the tables are shaken.

    Trust me my mom is a peacemaker too, but in the face of Injustice, she can leave her peace and speak some sense into the person. It irked me actually that I inherited this from him, there are some situations I am supposed to take action but I remain cool. I started regretting wishing I had done something differently and then I went on to create a scenario in my head in the actions I would have taken😄😄.

    Recently I spoke with a family friend, we were roommates for some time in my University days. She made a statement that I was the best roomie apart from the hostel roommate she had and that we did not argue throughout our stay together for good 3 years. I had to tell her it was all me because I was the quieter one in the face of trouble. I gave her so many things that could have resulted in us quarrelling but I chose to turn a blind eye and just move on even before she apologized for those things.

    Though it has helped me in so many ways, but in situations where I am supposed to react I don't. It makes me feel weak, I don't have a say of my own and I am avoiding what I should squash immediately and move on. I would want to pass it down and I would make sure to teach my children to learn to speak when it is necessary instead of holding back.

    It's funny how my life looks like my mom's now, she hardly has people she calls friends though she can greet everyone. She's very open and outspoken but keeping friends closer according to her doesn't favor her. The energy she gives is sometimes not replicated. The same goes for me right now. The character that stands out more is her generosity and meekness. She is a giver not that she has much but with the little she gets, she doesn't fail to give. She can't say no when asked for help rather, she helps in the little way she can.

    My mom has regrets sometimes because she sacrificed a lot. She helped people back then but now there's no one to help her, but trust me she still does help people out despite all these😄. The same goes for me, I usually outdo myself sometimes to help out people around me. It makes me happy and fulfilled. It has helped me so much to reach out to my close ones and put a smile on their faces. I would love to pass it down to my kids teaching them the act of helping people and giving.

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