Mi nieto SALEM, con maquinas agricolasºººººMy grandson SALEM, with agricultural machines

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hola a todos, para todos aquellos que me siguen, hace un año y medio, mi publicacion fue referente al nacimiento de mi nieto, SALEM, es el mas pequeño de los nietos, como pueden ver en estas fotografias el mismo es un gran fan de los vehiculos agricolas, es por eso que en un momento de un viaje que estabamos realizando, al descansar en una estacion de servicio, justo se hallaba cargando combustible estas maquinas agricolas, con el permiso del conductor lo sente a mi nieto en la parte de abajo de la misma, bueno al hallarse muy coomodo se puso muy serio, porque estas maquinas son de verdad y no como las que el acostumbre verlas en la tv. jajajaja, quedo muy feliz.


    Luego mi yeno lo corrio en un costado de dicha maquina y parecia mas feliz el que mi nieto, bueno lo que pasqa en estas ocaciones el se pone muy seriom pero asi y todo n deja de observar con detenimiento todo a su alrededor.


    Luego en el otro vehiculo, no tan grande en dimensiones como el anterior, pero si gigante para SALEM, que se siente muy a gusto con todo esto, como en la anterior parece mas contento mi yerno que mi nieto jajaja, quien le decia a su padre que se corriera como si fuera que el va a conducir.


    Es por eso que se quedo solo y tomando el volante comenzaba a moverlo jajajaja, es todo un genio, asi que todo estos recuerdos se los mostrare cuando sea mayor de edad y ahi si comprovare su devocion por estas maquinas gigantes.


    Lo mas lindo de todo esto y luego de la seccion de fotografia, para continuar con nuestro viaje, SALEM, no queria saber nada de bajarce jajaja,, se tardp un poco pero logramos convencerlo y seguir viajando.



    Hello everyone, for all those who follow me, a year and a half ago, my publication was about the birth of my grandson, SALEM, is the youngest of the grandchildren, as you can see in these pictures he is a big fan of agricultural vehicles, that's why at one point of a trip we were doing, while resting at a service station, just was refueling these agricultural machines, with the permission of the driver I sat my grandson in the bottom of the same, well being very cozy, he was in the bottom of it, when resting in a service station, just was refueling these agricultural machines, with the permission of the driver I sat my grandson in the bottom of the same, well to be very comfortable he became very serious, because these machines are real and not like those that he is used to see them on tv. hahahaha, he was very happy.


    Then my son ran him on the side of the machine and he seemed happier than my grandson, well what happens on these occasions he gets very serious but still he doesn't stop looking carefully at everything around him.


    Then in the other vehicle, not as big in size as the previous one, but giant for SALEM, who feels very comfortable with all this, as in the previous one seems happier my son-in-law than my grandson hahaha, who was telling his father to run as if he was going to drive.


    That's why he stayed alone and took the wheel and started to move it hahaha, he is a genius, so all these memories I will show him when he will be of age and then I will check his devotion for these giant machines.


    The most beautiful of all this and after the photography section, to continue with our trip, SALEM, didn't want to know anything about getting off hahaha, it took a while but we managed to convince him and continue traveling.


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