Astrocartography 101: “Where To Find Stable Income…”

in voilk •  5 months ago

    There was a period last year i ended up called out to do astrocartography readings, having been active in the Reddit community and sharing gems of insight as learning along my own path of exploration in the subject. Juice ran out to continue consistently after a couple dozen, though i still occasionally pitch in $0.02 on posts in the big astrocartography Facebook group

    One post came up yesterday that evoked a response:

    > Where do I go in the world for stable income/security?

    Now, this is a common type of question amongst some new to astrocartography, who are simply hoping for quick, easy answers to life’s problems by treating it like a treasure map. But the thing is, that’s not how it works. As much as the mind & ego are lured into the promise of simply escaping one’s problems and relocating to somewhere where love, money, success & ease await as though “manifestation” of all one’s desires is as straightforward as booking a plane ticket and moving across the world, life is more complex than that.

    I began with a concise, blunt reply:

    > unpopular truth: no lines will guarantee anyone stable income.

    Not what the person surely wanted to hear, but within that single sentence, a wealth of knowledge encoded.

    To which, they replied:

    Not asking for guarantees, general input would suffice

    Of course.

    The thing is, “general input” isn’t always quite so straightforward either, when dealing with esoteric subjects & alchemical arts/sciences.

    Though I hadn’t planned or foreseen it coming, a second reply soon started flowing out to unwrap more of the wisdom compressed into the first. It ended up longer than anticipated, and a complete, potent lesson in some fundamentals of wisely approaching/utilizing astrocartography unto its own - syndicated here below…


    “Answers” here may likely come in a couple forms: A) overgeneralized opinions, conjecture & biased pop rhetoric, or B) insistence that more thorough answers could only come via giving your money away for a more detailed analysis. There are problems with both…

    Amateurs may regurgitate talking points like “Venus should be good for money, Jupiter good for luck, Saturn for stability,” but any/every planetary has a vast spectrum of ways of manifests/expresses at different times for different people. Hence where the more detailed analyses gain some merit as how those planets are aspected can change things… but not according to any strict predictable formula. One person could take transits and/or natal squares & oppositions and turn them into opportunities, another blame them for xyz. What some people may deem “good” THEOERTICALLY doesn’t turn out so, while what others deem “bad” may be alchemized into immense empowerment.

    Some may say “Venus good for money,” but you end up finding its potentials for laziness are counterproductive for you. Some may say “Jupiter is lucky with its expansion,” but you find it expands what is better not expanded or amplifies detrimental fundamentalist outlooks. Some may say “Pluto is horrible, no one should ever go there,” yet if you’re willing to do the shadow work and have your integrity in check, that could be the energy that catapults you to great power & wealth. Some may say “mars attracts aggression and is horrible,” yet for you it is the drive needed to engage with your work that’ll bring the stability you seek. Some may say “Saturn sucks and its restriction will suck the life out of you,” whereas it’s stability & structure serves you exceptionally well in the long-term work on rewards that last. Some may say “Uranus is to erratic and unpredictable,” yet it could be perfected fitted for a breakthrough and evolutionary catalyst for certain types of work/business. Some may warn of deception & delusion on Neptune or sounding potentials on Chiron, yet they turn out for some who work in/with art, spirituality or healing to be absolutely amazing and conducive to success. Etc, etc.

    And bear in mind, it is rarely merely ONE of these influences present at any location, but several which form their own unique alchemical blends. It’s complicated.

    And even the most thorough of technical analyses by anyone will be missing the other critical factor in the final alchemical equation: YOU. Your level of consciousness. The particular details of your unique soul, soul contracts, temperament, preferences, gifts, goals, experience, callings, etc, etc. that don’t show up in a natal chart and are yet vital to how the natal chart ends up playing out as you evolve through the course of your life, both independent of location and through it.

    A GOOD astrocartographer would definitely probe into some of that to get a clearer idea of what potential options may and may not fit you personally better at this particular stage of life given specifics of your individual situation. Though even then, “stable income” is not something likely to be found via any logical, (by default) subjective assessment of a chart & map.

    A proper thorough assessment could potentially help as a catalyst to narrow down some options, though would still need to factor in alot of different particulars as well - i.e. are there current places you’re intuitively drawn to, what kind of career/biz are you in and what locations - astrology out of the picture - have corresponding industries/communities; are you even happy/satisfied with your current line of work or looking / would prefer to switch into something entirely and if so, what’s your energies would be most supportive to the new intended direction if clear or perhaps discovering if not; etc, etc.

    Not the simple, concise answer(s) you were probably hoping for. But anyone who’d give you them to make it seem straightforward would probably just be talking out of their arse, lol…✨

    Activation Complete.

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