Take Care Of Him. ( A story of adopting a child)

in voilk •  4 months ago


    The hands of the clock were ticking and both of them were looking at the clock as if waiting for something.

    "What do you think I will get a baby? Will I have children?" Hadiya looked into Taha's eyes and said.

    "Have full hope in Allah, Hadiya. What if we don't have children of our own? No, don't you see what a golden opportunity Allah has given us to adopt a child." Taha said while placing his hand on Hadiya's hand.

    "As it was two o'clock, the door opens."

    Mr and Mrs Taha? A nurse came out and said.

    "Yes we are." Taha said standing up.

    "The doctor has called you. Come with me."The nurse said while addressing Taha.

    "Let's go Hadiya." Taha said while holding Hadiya's hand.
    "Oh, sit down, Mr. and Mrs Taha. I have something good to tell you and after that we will sign some forms." The doctor asked Taha to sit on the chair.

    "Doctor, you know that we have been married for 10 years, but we are still deprived of the blessing of children. As soon as we found out that children are adopted in your hospital, I immediately came to you." "Taha said while sitting on the chair.
    Yes, yes. You are absolutely right. There are many orphans in our hospital and we provide family to the orphans."
    The doctor said with a smile.

    "Nurse go ahead, and bring the child." The doctor said while addressing the nurse.

    Hadiya was looking very excited. She stands in excitement and started circling. Just then the nurse entered the room with a child who was about three years old.

    "Masha Allah, how cute is this child. Doctor, where did his parents go?" Taha said moving towards the child.
    "His parents died yesterday in a road accident. And this child survived naturally. We have kept him here and in orphan home with all the formalities." The doctor said while opening the file.

    "What is your name my child? Will you be my son? I will love you very much." Hadiya said while kissing the child.
    The child, who was shying , hide behind the nurse.

    "Taha, see how innocent he is. Just don't delay and quickly sign all the papers and take him home with us." Hadiya addressed Taha.

    "Doctor, where do we have to sign. And if there is any formality, let us know. We are ready to do it." Taha asked the doctor.

    "Yes, there are some documents we will sign. And we will keep the photocopy of your ID card. And then we will give it to you legally, and you will be called his parents." The doctor said holding the file to Taha.


    Take care of him

    Doctor said to Taha while he was leaving the room.
    "I promise you doctor, i will take care of him." Taha said while leaving the room.

    Taha and Hadiya signed all the papers and gave them each a photocopy of their respective ID cards as per the doctor's instructions. They took the baby and left the room
    "Hey Taha, we forgot to ask his name." Hadia said while sitting in the car.

    "No problem, we will keep the name that we thought for our child. But it's good, God willing." He said while starting the car.

    "Your name is Haider. Isn't it a cute name?" Hadiya said while sitting the child on her lap.

    "Take these chocolates. We will also take some toys on the way. Whatever is mine is yours." He said while giving the chocolate to the child.

    The child who was feeling somewhat satisfied. He grabbed the chocolate and started eating. After a long journey of 10 minutes, they reached home.

    "You take it and go inside. I am coming now after paying the nafal of gratitude. After all, Allah has given us such a great blessing, so we should be grateful." Hadiya said while moving towards the bathroom.

    Hadiya performed ablution and went to perform Nafal.
    "O Allah, thank you for giving me such a great blessing. I m greatful to you."Hadiya said while crying in prayer.

    "Haider, You will call me baba from here on. And she is your mama. My child, I don't know what pain you have gone through. But I promise that I will not let you suffer after this." Taha said while loving Haider.

    "Here, son, look, I made egg bread for you. You must be hungry, aren't you?" Hadiya said while calling Haider.
    "Hadiya, come here and listen to me. I have something important to say. Look, we don't know what the child's past is. Who are his real parents. But the fact is that it is our child now. We have to take care of it. And above all, until it grows up. We will not mention anything about his real parents. You understand what I am saying." Taha said while sitting next to Hadiya.
    "Yes, I understand. And God willing. I will take care of him as if it were my own child." Hadiya said while wiping her tears

    After 17 years

    Haider was now almost 20 years old and was studying in a good institution.

    "Hadiya, I think the time has come when we should tell Haider the truth. Life has no credibility. We should reveal this secret to him." Taha said, placing his hand on Hadiya's shoulder.
    I know you are right, but I am afraid that after knowing the truth, Haider may not be away from us. If this happens, how will I live? You understand, don't you?"* Hadiya said giving water to Taha.

    "Look, I know it's hard, but we have to do it. And I have full faith in your training, he will never feel bad about it. Rather, as he is wise, I am sure he will understand my point." Taha said comforting Hadiya.

    Haider who was standing outside the room and had heard everything. Entered the room.

    "The truth? How true, baba? Mama What truth is Baba talking about?" Haider asked in confusion.

    "Son, come here and sit beside me. I have something to tell you. Listen patiently to what I tell you and accept it with patience." Taha said while addressing Haider.
    "Yes baba tell me I am listening." Haider said while sitting next to his baba.

    "Look, Haider, you were very young when your parents died in a road accident. And thank God you survived. Maybe God wrote you in our destiny. I don't know who your parents were. But the doctor gave us your responsibility. We were also childless. And you became a blessing to us. We had decided when you were young that when you are 20 years old, we will tell you everything. And look, today is also your birthday. I think you will definitely understand what I am saying." Taha said while explaining to Haider.

    "Haider son, I know that we kept you late for so long, but there was a fear behind it that you might not go away from us. But it is important for you to know this fact." Hadiya kissed Haider's head said.

    "'Baba, Mama, I understand what you guys are saying
    I don't care who my parents were because they have left this world. What I care about is that you guys are with me. You have given me so much love. And believe me, after knowing this truth, the value of you people has increased in my heart. If you were not there, what would have happened to me? Haider said, meeting his eyes.

    "Don't cry my brave children. These are all my God's games. By giving you to us, God has blessed us with children. And you with parents. This is all the power of my God." He said while kissing Haider's forehead.

    "Today is your birthday and we will have a party to celebrate this. And we will also thank Allah that we revealed this secret to you. Now I have no fear in my heart." Hadiya smiled and said.

    "I have fulfilled my promise, Hadiya, which I made to the doctor." Taha said standing up.

    "What kind of promise?" Hadiya asked.

    When the doctor said me when we were taking him

    Take care of him

    And I promised the doctor that I will definitely take care of him. And thank God I kept my promise."*

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