Influence of Social Media on My Life

in voilk •  4 months ago

    @ecency-star released a post today asking that we discuss the influence that social media has on our lives.

    They run a weekly writing prompt in their community, and each week the topics vary, but are no less interesting than the last.

    Here's A Link To The Prompt Post If You'd Like To Check It Out.

    There must be trouble again, as I can't seem to upload any image here, and I noticed that many posts in my feed have blank thumbnails. I'm sure it'll be sorted out soon.

    Social Media

    I've never really liked social media, and never really got into it when I was younger. I have had a Facebook for years, but never use it, write status's, or upload anything to it. I check in for a moment if I'm tagged in something, but it's rare.

    In 2019/ 2020 I made an Instagram account for the first time, and I actually kind of enjoyed it. I had the intention of using it for gaming clips as I was streaming on Twitch and getting a fair few followers and viewers there, so wanted to branch out and advertise funny moments a bit to help grow my account.

    At the same time, I made a TikTok account to basically do the same thing. Within a few months, I got burned out streaming and then started using my Instagram just for whatever. I may upload a photo every month or two when something is going on but that's it.

    I like reels on Instagram, and I also like watching stuff on TikTok, my algorithms are messed up though. My TikTok feed is fairly serious stuff, current things, and in general it wrecks my head, so I mainly use Instagram - which gives me the exact opposite content, more funny, or interesting stuff - so I like to go on there just to chill and laugh at some stupid stuff.

    Twitter was never something that interested me, but when Elon bought it I joined. Not only because of him though, I wanted to kind of see what it's like. I follow a lot of Hive peeps on there, and I've written some status's, but it's kind of hard to get any likes so I mainly use it to read stuff.


    I figured I would separate YouTube from the others. Watching videos is something I do most evenings, I follow a lot of great creators and always find something cool to watch, unlike TV, YouTube is more catered to the viewer. The only problem I find with it is the heavy amount of ads.

    While streaming, my VODs would be ready to download afterward, and I would edit them down and upload them to my channel. I haven't streamed or made a video in about a year, but I'm currently working on my first non-gaming-related video for it, which will be cool.


    When I found Hive it was the first time I actually thought I could get into social media, and have loved everything about this place since joining.

    Does it have issues? Yes. Is it possible for us to fix them? Yes. Is it good regardless of its issues? Yes.

    There are so many great elements to Hive as a whole, and I have enjoyed my time here. I've met a lot of cool people who I love to check in on and while being here I've learned so much, and I think I've achieved a lot while being here too.

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