Dailypromt|| I won't even consider that

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    The story is about two lovers Sarah and Daniel who fell in love with each other back then when they were in high school and luckily for the both of them the relationship lasted till the point of marriage

    Daniel successfully marries Sarah and the moved in and stayed together but in between their relationship before marriage Sarah had traveled to port hargourt and stayed for one and a half years.

    Daniel who keeps talking to her on phone and sometimes video calls was ignorant of the whole thing that was going on because he believes that Sarah would never do anything to hurt his feelings.

    So when Sarah came back the met and did their wedding, but some few years later Sarah had no idea that no secret remains a secret forever and her past got up to her within a twinkle of an eye.

    It was on Sunday Daniel and Sarah was in church but during service as Sarah was dancing and praising God, someone was staring at her so after service the guy followed Sarah and Daniel home but kept a distance so that they couples will not notice that they are being followed.

    So the next morning the couples heard a knock on the door when Daniel rush up to see who was that the guy whose name was John said please sir I'm looking for Sarah your wife

    So Daniel called Sarah's attention when Sarah came to check who was that as she was holding her phone so when she saw John she was shocked to the point that she dropped her phone on the floor and it cracked the screen.

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    John smiled at Sarah then Daniel who was rushing for work ignorantly was shocked to see his wife in such mental state, so he became worried and asked John please who are you and John replied why don't you ask your wife sir I bet she never discussed me to you before.

    John asked Sarah babe who is he, Sarah cried and couldn't say a word then John said I am her fiance the guy he dished and ran off from port hargourt.

    So John made the couples a deal saying if you guys wants to leave happily ever after, I demand for a settlement which John requested for 2 million naira settlement if not! He left.

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    Sarah still speechless Daniel who was very angry at Sarah for cheating on him while she was in port hargourt boldly said I won't even consider that he is just bluffing.

    The Sarah said that he is not as she fell to her knees and said that he is A well known gangster, then Daniel try to ignore Sarah and went out Infront of their door step a later was on the floor.

    Daniel picked the later up, open and read in it he learn that John is giving them one month else Sarah will be forced to join her ancestors, Daniel stood looking very confused and helpless at the same time speechless as he looked up to the sky and weep.

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