The Unseen Burden: My Encounter with Unfairness in Childhood

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Image by Julio César Velásquez Mejía from Pixabay

    There are situation when other people treats other unfairly despite of the fact they've did nothing to deserve it. I remember being treated like that in some cases that I still remember to date even after years.

    it's like you have good intentions for someone and something but than when someone treats you un it ruins everything and forgiving becomes a really hard thing to do for some people.

    Everyone say's action speaks louder than the words but the fact is words have more volume, much more than the actions in most cases it's the words that make difference in a relationship and than comes to the action.

    Well, the thing is I still remember those time when I was treated unfairly for doing nothing wrong and it goes back to 10 years from now when I was literally a kid and have no wrong intentions.

    The Time When I was Treated Unfairly for This

    It goes back like 10 years ago when I was like 13 years and at that time I started to take a lot more interest in religious things and used to perform prayers on time and I was enjoying it.

    That was something I still remember to date now, so tell's a lot about the way I was enjoying praying and a friend as well we both used to be together in this.

    Image by Himsan from Pixabay

    This one time when I came back to my home, the first thing I was asked by my father was where you are coming from and told him I was offering prayer and just coming from there.

    I don't know why but I was punished for that like he always had a bad temper and it wasn't first time bring treated like that but it was first time when I lost interest from something.

    I had this ptsd everytime I was not in home and was offering my praying in mosque that I'll go back at home and than same shit will happen.

    After all I was pushed away and lost the way I used to enjoy it in my childhood days.... Took me years to find that kind of feeling I used to have back then.

    it's hard to move on when loved one treats unfairly

    While doing the obvious right thing with good intentions you being treated unfairly that too coming from the loved in family is something worse to experience.

    Even after ten years I remember that day like yesterday and moving on was never easy.

    Image by jessica45 from Pixabay

    This is just one of the so many situation I've dealt with while growing up till now and someday I wish this past will be blurry and I won't remember any of this.. that life is meant to be buried to the bottom of the earth.

    Wrapping Up...

    In the end I do believe that sometimes all a person want after being tested unfairly is a sorry and than not repeating same thing.

    Well, in my case it never happened but hope people learn to treat others the right way.


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    All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 01/04/2024.

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