Burning Logging Base : Sakat Katana V

in voilk •  2 months ago
    Burning Logging Base : Sakat Katana V

    After liberating Aoi Village, I moved to an undiscovered area, not far to the south. It has a '?' mark on the map. My goal was to find a camp that was captured by the Mongols and then liberate it.

    Then, I discovered this hot spring. It was a great opportunity to increase my maximum health. While at the hot spring, Jin reflected that he will take Khotun's head or drown him or put torch to him, just like Khotun did to Adachi. After Jin's reflection done, his maximum health increased.

    I continued travelling to the south, and then I reached a Mongol base. From the bridge, I saw trees being cut down everywhere. This must be the Mongols's logging base. When I approached the base, an order came in, ordering me to eliminate the war camp general, reclaim the stolen iron (0/2), recover Sashimono Banners (0/3), and, as a bonus, kill enemies with perfect dodge counterattacks (0/3).

    When I am close enough at the base front gate, I don't challenge to standoff fight; instead, I keep walking forward until the guard notices me. Then the Mongol's gate guard rushed towards me, readying his shield and sword. A surprise attack came from an archer from the watch tower. Lucky for me, the arrow didn't hit me.

    After eliminating the shieldman earlier, I confronted the archer's rapid fire with a defective arrow skill. His shots were all wasted, but the archer has unlimited armor. So after playing with the deflect arrow for a while, I rushed towards the tower.

    While on top of the tower, I managed to eliminate the archer without getting hit. I saw a group of Mongol armies on their way to climb the tower. I waited for them to come to the top. It will be fun to exchange hits in a narrow space.

    The first Mongol who reached the top already got killed, while the others were still climbing the stairs to the top.

    All five Mongols's armies were killed at the tower. It was a fun battle when three enemies attacked at the same time. I got hit a lot because I wanted to executes the perfect counter for the bonus reward mission.

    Not far from the tower where I killed five enemies, I encountered another group of five. This time I took screenshots from above. As you can see, battle has already begun. Bloods were everywhere, focusing on one area on the ground. I tried to fight within a certain area.

    The victory was mine. All enemies have been eliminated within a small area. But there was one enemy who tried to crawl away. I could end the suffering, but I chose not to. The enemy still met his death anyway.

    I moved to the west side of the base; there were another five enemies at the west. Two archers and three melee fighters. I already eliminated one archer with my longbow. I get 1 hit kill for it. Then, I faced the shieldmen and sneaked an attack from another archer. After killing the shieldman, I shot down the last archer in that area too.

    My samurai stance performs really well; there is not much effort to eliminate in one-versus-one situations. While I cut this swordman off, his friend rushed towards me, ready to attack.

    Unfortunately for his friend, this one-versus-one gives me a lot of advantages. If they attack me together, they might stand a chance to hit me.

    I continue my movement to the north-west part of the base. I saw a lot of horses being held in the stable. None of them caught my attention. They were just common horses that I saw in the wild.

    Then, I saw four fighters coming from the north. Two shieldman and two spearman. I switch to the wind stance to pierce the spearman.

    Kicking and making the opponent flee was what made me like the wind stance so much. It's so fun to see they got kicked this way.

    While the spearman recovered from the stagger condition, I let him, and I switched to the water stance to face the two spearmen that were already present.

    I executed the heavenly strike skill and cut the right hand of the shieldman. While the other three watched the situation. Typically, after this happens, some of them will fly away and run for their lives. But this time, they didn't run away. Good!

    One of the spearman tried to attack me, but I managed to dodge his attack, and counter it with a killing blow.

    Another shieldman's attack I perfectly dodge and launched a fatal counterattack.

    That was the last one. His shield down, his body cut, blood on the ground. He is dead

    North gate, gave respect to the hanged brother.

    I found this horn animal skull on this big rock. It caught my attention. Thank you sucker punch for this weird deco.

    Then I fond empty bamboo cages. I saw two patrolling enemies were approaching.

    Patrolling team eliminated.

    At this point, I already finished two orders which were reclaim the stolen iron (2/2) and kill enemies with perfect dodge counterattacks (3/3).

    I found my first banner and other valuable stuff inside this tent.

    This meat supply area has caught my attention. There were lots of meat can be found here. To bad, it doesn't gave me any good.

    Funny thing, I can actually stepped through here. lol

    So, I proceed to the center of the base, which required me to climb this stairs. I saw Mongol's brute giant first.

    I thought my only opponent was the giant, but all of sudden enemies coming our from the nearby tent and started to attack me togethers. I get more excited in this battle.

    The moon stance enable me to kick the giant and stagger them, while doing that, this dualblade fighter already swing his sword toward me. That's definitely hit me.

    And without realized, it was already raining. So this battle going to be epic with rains cheering us up.

    This kick also my favorite.

    I wish they attack me together, just like they do it earlier. Because now, I'm in control of the fight.

    The dualblade who actively counter my attack now meet his end.

    Look at his right hand. So huge. After the successful hit of the heavenly strike, the giant fell, and all of a sudden, the remaining enemies began to ray away. I wanted to chase them, but the general came out with his solo bodyguard. So, I let them run away, and I focused on the general.

    The General personal bodyguard tried to attack me but I dodge it.

    I switched to water stance and rapid hit the bodyguard until he fell down.

    I never realized about the presence of this archer until he hit me. So I take him down first and focus solely on the General.

    Now I have my time alone with the General. I am in water stand since the General was a shieldman.

    I make my first move. Cut his armor but I don't want to kill him just yet.

    Another clean cut to the body. I actually wanted to kick the general and send him flying, but it seems like his shield is working really well, protecting him from my kick

    A flying kick won't do much either. Although it does send the General backward a bit when hit right.

    So, I switched to water stance again, hit his shield and finally staggered him. He was pushed to the very corner. While his shield was down, that's was my chance to kick him fly.

    While he was in stagger condition, I switched to wind stance, kick him, and yes it was a success!

    I gained "Have a nice fall" trophy achievement from this effort. Really worth it! haha.. ! After defeating he general, I went into this tent and found out really outstanding decoration inside the general tent.

    His guess, this is his throne. There's letter on the table.

    Found the Egyptian Mask, an artifact.

    His bed, with sake and other food stuff on the floor.

    Now that I have all the banners, a new order has arrived asking me to destroy the black powder cache.

    This is the black powder cache.

    The fire begin to spread. Should I ran? I just stand there to see what will happen.

    Kabbom! All of a sudden, without warning, it explodes! Fire begins to spread inside the base.

    The fire spread really fast, burning all buildings and structures inside the logging base.

    After burning the logging base of Mongol, I took my horse for a ride, and taking pictures nearby the base.

    But before leaving, I walk around the burned base, found this really interesting finding. I already take the Egyptian Mask artifact, but it still there, unmoved, no scratch nor burn. It was like nothing happened.

    I climb to the higher place, and take this picture. This is the view of the burned logging base. I didn't take picture before the burn, I never expect that this base would be totally destroyed.

    After that, I travelled to the Komatsu Forge to upgrade my katana. My Sakai Katana is now on Level V, one more level and reached it's max.

    Then, I went meeting the Monk for a new saddle. Maybe because I collect more banners this time.

    A stunning view of the grassland would be nice after all the epic and bloody battle I've been through today.

    So that's all for today. Thank you so much for your support, until next adventure! Have a nice day! Goodbye!

    Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, and it is my face with samurai's attire generated by ToonMe app
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