Recreando una bolsita hecha de foami.
Recreating a bag made of foami.
Hello to the entire Hive Blog community. In today's opportunity, I am going to show you a recreation of a bag made of foam. When I was a child, I was always inventing crafts because my mom had a lot of materials to make foam things and she also had paints. I used to spend everything on my inventions, hahaha. Well, those were my beginnings, but now that I remember it, nothing I did was useful later. So I started to redo some of the things I did before to see how they turned out now that I know a little more. Now, to start, I'm going to show you the materials I used.
Materials: silicone, blue foam, a fabric of diamonds or sequins, scissors, magic closure and a ruler.
Comencé cortando el foami lo más recto posible para luego marcar las esquinas, ya que estas le van a dar la forma a la bolsita.
I started by cutting the foam as straight as possible and then marking the corners, since these will give the shape of the bag.
I marked a square on each corner of the foam to cut.
I also cut it in half at once to start gluing the edges of the foam with hot silicone.
I glued silicone on all the edges, except for the part with the square cut corners, because that part is glued last.
Now I am going to glue the corners using a little pressure, since they can be opened easily.
Después de que haya pegado bien el foami, le di la vuelta, así como cuando se cose una costura y se da la vuelta para que quede la costura por dentro. Bueno, así hice con la bolsita, solo que en este caso no es tela, es foami.
Here I cut the part where I am going to glue the magic closure, and I am going to glue it in the middle from the back. I'm also going to put a strip of foam around it.
Here I added the diamond decoration and I also added a little bit on the front so that it looks good.
I was trying it with some makeup because of the weight to see if it would hold up, and yes, it did. But I would say it would look good as a gift bag or candy party favor bag.
☺️Agradecida de haber compartido una vez más con ustedes nos vemos en otro oportunidad con algo nuevo.😘Photos, design and editing of my authorship taken from my Infinix Smart 7 phone, text translated in Google translator.
Grateful to have shared once again with you, see you another time with something new.😘