Macro day 12

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good morning my dear hive friends.

    It's new day for Macro photography..

    Yesterday morning I have found my favourite spider 😍😍 cute little Jumping spider..

    The female has a black abdomen with white stripes whereas the male has a brown abdomen with white stripes. However the patterning is variable and records are best confirmed by examination of genital structures. Legs mottled yellow brown with indistinct annulation at the joints. Usually synanthropic (around human habitation). if you want to know more here is link

    Next one I have found is yellow dung fly.


    One of the most common and widely distributed flies in Britain. The males are golden yellow and furry, whilst females are green/grey and bristly.
    if you want to know more here is link

    On one of the branches was hiding small Metellina segmentate


    4-8mm (female), 4-6mm (male). Usually has yellow, red and orange tones on the abdomen. The carapace has a dark tuning fork mark in the centre.
    Metellina segmentate closely resembles M. mengei. Mature M. mengei tend to predominate in spring and early summer, mature M. segmentata tend to be most numerous in late summer and autumn, though some M. mengei can persist in this period so the season is not a reliable way to separate the two species. Male M. mengei have a fringe of long hairs beneath the fore tarsi and details of the palps differ from M. segmentata. When the underside of females is checked, the black stripe beneath the abdomen of M. mengei extends forward beyond the point of the epigyne, whereas in M. segmentata the strip ends at the epigyne. However the only reliable means of definite identification of these two species is by examination of the genitalia.

    If you want to know more here is link

    Under the ivy leaf i have found Tetragnatha montana

    Tetragnatha are difficult to identify and microscopic examination of the genitals of mature specimens is necessary to separate the species safely.
    If you want to know more here is link

    On few moments sun came out an I have spotted big
    Tapered Drone Fly - Eristalis pertinax

    Whilst similar to E. tenax, this species has a more tapering abdomen in the male and it also has pale front legs. The pair of orange markings on tergite 2 of the abdomen are nearly always present, but tend to be brighter in summer specimens.
    If you want to know more here is link
    And for the last one i have found cute little Pea-leaf Weevil - Sitona lineatus

    3.4-5.3mm. This is the commonest of the Sitona weevils and has dark longitudinal stripes. Unlike many weevils, it has a very short, almost squared off rostrum or snout. Front coxae almost touch the constriction at the front margin of the prosternum (c.f. S. obsoletus where there is a clear gap).
    If you want to know more here is link

    Yesterday was amazing day. nice and sunny so I have managed to take few great images as you can all see. How was your day yesterday...

    Enjoy today. I love you all

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