Chowing Before Charging

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I honestly do not know if the issue with the undersea cables has been fixed.

    However, I saw in the news this morning that it might take between two to three weeks before it gets fixed.

    Surprisingly, the network seems to be working fine for me this morning, but I haven't switched to my MTN network to know how it is with them though.

    This leads me to answering the question that was asked in the Hive Ghana community.

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    There are so many things we can’t go a day without as humans. Would you choose a day without your phone or a day without food.

    For these few days that I couldn't access the internet, I couldn't do anything meaningful with my phone and it made me spend most of the day sleeping like my life depended on the sleep.

    Getting food to eat was very difficult because I had no cash. If I had know that there would be an issue with the undersea cables, I would have traded some of my Hive for cash earlier so that I wouldn't be stranded.

    In my case, I had no access to my money and it was very frustrating.

    The issues with the internet made me loose money too, no doubt.

    Without my phone, I can't make more money and without money I do transactions to get basic needs.

    However, if I am to imagine a different situation where the money was available and I just had to chose going a day without my phone or food, I would definitely chose a day without my phone.

    Good thing it is just going to be a day and going without my phone won't kill me. However, going a day without food would drain all my energy.

    If I don't have access to food, even for just one day, it would be very difficult and detrimental. If our body system can't get the nurishment it requires it won't function optimally.

    And you know what it means when we can't get food to eat. There would be no motivation or inspiration, no energy, no focus, and no productivity. In addition to that, when we don't have proper nourishment, we may experience dizziness, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and a general feeling of weakness.

    While inconvenient, I can still manage going a day without my phone since it's a short-term situation that doesn't directly impact my physical wellbeing. But depriving myself of food could have more severe consequences, both in the short-term and long-term, if prolonged.

    Fulfilling the basic need for food has to take precedence over any technological device or convenience.

    This experience truly highlighted how dependent our modern lives have become on consistent internet access and digital technology for income, communication, and accessing resources. However, it also served as a humbling reminder that some needs, like food, water, and shelter, are even more fundamental for human survival and wellbeing.

    Maintaining a healthy balance and properly prioritizing our needs is crucial. While technology has become deeply interwoven into our daily existence, we must never lose sight of the essential elements required to sustain life itself.

    Striking this balance and being prepared for potential disruptions will ensure we can navigate challenges more effectively.

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