A world to enjoy.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I go free for the world!.gif

    Physical borders, such as those separating countries, are a reality that has existed since time immemorial. Despite efforts to tear them down and promote integration among nations, there are still geopolitical barriers that limit the free movement of people and goods. This has given rise to conflicts and inequalities that have generated divisions and tensions between peoples.

    On the other hand, crime is a phenomenon that affects all societies, regardless of their level of development. The presence of criminals and delinquents endangers the security and well-being of the population, generating fear and mistrust in society.


    Photo by Amanda Jones in Unsplash

    Imagining a world without borders and insecurity problems is quite utopian and difficult to conceive in today's reality. However, if such a world could exist, surely I should be a more open, understanding and tolerant person.

    To achieve this ideal, it is necessary to overcome the political, economic and social obstacles that perpetuate the existence of borders. Inequality and injustice are factors that feed the division between countries and communities, preventing the construction of a truly united and peaceful world. It is essential to work on eliminating the structural causes that generate conflicts and inequalities.


    Eliminating geographic barriers would allow for greater integration among peoples, promoting cultural, economic and social exchange. People would be able to travel freely, establish relationships with people from other countries and enrich themselves with new experiences and knowledge.

    In this world, I would like to be a limitless traveler, exploring different cultures, customs and landscapes without having to worry about visa restrictions or political barriers. I would be a curious person, eager to learn and grow through interaction with individuals from different parts of the world.

    My daily life in a world without insecurity issues would be much more relaxed and free. I could walk the streets without fear of being a victim of violence, I could travel without worrying about possible terrorist attacks or robberies. I could enjoy life to the fullest, without constant fear for my safety and the safety of my loved ones.


    Photo of my property taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

    However, I do not believe that a world without borders and insecurity problems is something difficult to achieve in reality. There are cultural, ideological and political differences that generate conflicts and divisions among human beings. Insecurity is also a reality in our societies, the result of inequality, lack of education and lack of opportunities for all.

    Despite the difficulties, I believe it is important to continue working for a more united and secure world. We must encourage dialogue, cooperation and solidarity among nations, with the aim of building a more harmonious and just world for all. Through education, tolerance and mutual respect, we can pave the way for a world without borders and insecurity.


    Photo by Shane Rounce in Unsplash

    Although it may seem utopian, such a world is possible if we commit ourselves to work together for a better and safer future for all, and a balance must be found between openness and security, where it is possible to promote integration among all human beings.

    This is my third participation this week, the topic chosen this time being the following:

    Imagine a world without borders and issues of insecurity, what kind of a person would you be in such a world? Would you be a traveler? What will your daily life be like if you don't have to worry about issues like security? Do you think such a world is possible? Please share your thoughts with us.

    Thank you for your attention, dear community, I look forward to your comments, greetings to all.

    The first and third images were modified by me with the graphic design program Canva, being these the original fonts:

    First Image.


    Photo by Jack Stapleton in Unsplash

    Third Image.


    Photo by Joeyy Lee in Unsplash

    The following images are my own and were taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone, the backgrounds were erased with the online editor tool Clipping Magic, the resulting elements were incorporated into the first and the third image.


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