The house on the cloud (oil on paper)

in voilk •  2 months ago

    An happy Wednesday to you all!
    It's raining hard outside and the branches of the plum tree in my backyard look full of little pearls.

    This morning I woke up soon like I use to do every day and I drank my first cup of coffee watching from the open window all those clouds on the sky. There were just a couple of birds (I thing they were magpies) who were flying away from a tree in a garden close to mine, but I'm pretty sure some other birds came into my backyard after I close the window. 😊
    Thinking about the weather of today, I decided to work on a new artwork inspired by it and you can see the final result in the following pic:


    A detail of the painting:


    As you can see, I imagined an house over a cloud. Something simple, but I like the final result and the figure on the wall who looks like a sort of street art piece. ❤️
    It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and, like I use to do every time I paint a new artwork, I took some pics while I was painting it so you can see the work in progress:





    Now it's drying, bu as soon as possible I'll add this new artwork to my Artfinder shop (link at the bottom), hoping it will find a new home!

    I hope you like it!
    See ya soon and stay safe,

    ***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
    Artfinder (, on Etsy ( and on my Patreon page too ( If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:

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    You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
    ^ ****

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