in voilk •  3 months ago

    Strange incident of Hazrat Umar __!!

    (The life of a Muslim is dearer to me than anything)

    Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.) was walking in the streets of Madinah with his fingers in his ears, wondering and shouting, "Alas, alas, alas." Hazrat Umar (RA) said, "A messenger has brought news from some nobles that a canal has become a barrier between them. As no boat was found to cross it, their Amir (officer) ordered to find a man who knew the depth of the canal.


    So an old man was brought. He said in a tone of fear and hesitation, "I am afraid of his coldness, but this Amir forced him into the canal. He had just entered the canal when he was caught by his coldness, and he, O Umar, Allah! He drowned in the canal shouting the voice of Umar.

    Later, Hazrat Umar (R.A.) called for the governor of that area. He came, but he turned away from him for a few days. Then he came and asked him, "What was his fault that you killed him?" Ameer apologized and said: O Ameerul Momineen! I did not kill him on purpose, and we did not find anything available to cross this canal, our intention was to find out the depth of this canal, then he began to tell Hazrat Umar (RA) about his exploits. That we have conquered such and such a region, and we have also conquered such and such, and so much wealth has been acquired, Hazrat Umar said in a sharp tone that in my view, the life of a Muslim man is more than all the things that You have brought it, if it was not Sunnah, I would have blown your neck.


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