Digital Life and Strategies for Balancing Screentime

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In our everyday digitalized world, screen time is one thing that has become part of our daily life as far as humans are concerned. Screen time is what we engage in different ways, at our place of work, for fun, even in our communication with others, we scroll down our contact list, our social media apps to connect with others.

    All these are what add up to our excessive use of our screen. For me, the amount of time I spend on my screen varies depending on the days. Since my work is not one that requires me making use of my smartphone, my screen time tends to decrease once I'm working. The undivided attention required by my work leaves me with no space to scroll or browse through my phone during working hours.

    Once I'm done with work, tiredness sets in some days and I end up not doing much on my phone. However, weekends and holidays are different stories. I utilize these days by spending longer time on my screen. I can spend countless hours on my phone without getting tired. It can actually be tiring for me when I'm glued to my electronic device and I'm not utilizing it for something productive.

    My being glued to my phone is always strictly on business. I don't find myself jumping from one entertainment to the other for hours. I guess the longer I stay on my screen depends on the business I'm trying to seal up.


    How do I know when I have had enough? For me, the answer is by simply falling asleep without plugging in the phone to charge. That is the only indicator that my mind and body are exhausted , notifying me of the need to pause for a while and stay off the screen.

    To regulate my screen time, one thing I do is to read . Having a stock of books helps me in making an effort in staying off my screen. Also, another way I stay off my screen is managing my screen usage everyday. What that means is this, I have made it mandatory that my phone battery must not go below 40%. Once it gets to 40%, I have to disconnect myself from the screen and get it connected. Once it is connected, I don't make use of it as I believe that weakens my battery and makes it charge slowly.

    The fear of a power outage serves as the main thing prompting me to establish this method and limit my screen time. While the phone is charging, I use the time for something more productive thus cutting my screen views.

    For those still struggling with reducing their screen time, the first tip is identifying one offline activity you enjoy most. Investing time on such will help in staying off digital distractions. Also, offine interaction with others can also help reduce one's screen time. Spending quality time with people that we trust can help foster long conversation with friends and family. It is always important that we have control over our digital lifestyles instead of letting them control us. The methods listed above are what help me balance my screen usage.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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