Almost Too Much Proof - 5 minutes freewrite

in voilk •  4 months ago



    He comes home from a long shift in the lab.

    As principal investigator of his current project, the pressure to deliver results is mounting.

    But so far, all his tests have produced no significant results.

    He turned on his laptop to review the day's data, hoping to find some glimmer of hope.

    As the graphs and charts load onto the screen, he rubs his tired eyes.

    Then he sees something in the latest test: a small anomaly between the usual flat lines.
    You move closer, almost disbelievingly, and zoom in for a better look. Numbers and readings that didn't make sense before suddenly line up in a way that can't be mere coincidence. It was almost too much evidence to be real.

    After months of dead ends, he'd finally found what he was looking for.

    He lets out a laugh of disbelief and relief.

    He can't wait to show it to the team in the morning - after all, they will be able to solve the case.

    That night he sleeps as relaxed as he hasn't for months.

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