Today it's been a year since I started my journey in exercise, it has been a long and painful road that has made me grow a lot, not only my physique has changed but also my mentality, and above all my perseverance, I do not have the physique I want but every day I get up to build it, even the days when I do not want to go, my change and my fight is not even to please society but to look at myself in the mirror and see what it reflects, without complexes, without insecurities and above all without caring about the comments of people who may affect me, that of self-love I have built with pain and sweat, I have also managed to have a mind that is stronger because many times I have repeated to myself, it does not hurt, you cannot give up today my posts are of motivation of wanting is power, if you do not like something change it at first they will be small steps and then you will have huge steps that not even one believes one is capable of achieving, with motivation, love and patience many things can be achieved
Hoy hace un año ya emprendi mi camino en el ejercicio , ha sido un camino largo y doloroso que me ha hecho crecer mucho no solo mi fisico ha cambiado sino mi mentalidad , y sobre todo mi perseverancia , no tengo el fisico que deseo pero todos los dias me levanto a construirlo , incluso los dias en los que no quiero ir , mi cambio y mi lucha ni siquiera es para agradarle a la sociedad y sino para mirarme frente el espejo y ver lo que refleja , sin complejos, sin inseguiradades y sobre todo sin importa los comentarios de personas que me puedan afectar, eso del amor propio lo he construido con dolor y sudor, tambien he logrado tener una mente que es mas fuerte porque muchas veces me he repetido a mi misma , no te duele , no te puedes rendir hoy mis post es de motivacion de querer es poder , sino te gusta algo cambialo al principio seran pequeños paso y luego tendras paso enormes que ni uno mismo cree que es capaz de lograrlo, con motivacion , amor y paciencia se pueden logran muchas cosas