I Can't Believe ..........

in voilk •  5 months ago


    I yearn to feel the soil between my fingers,
    As I plant these seeds and wait for them to bloom.
    Each morning, to awaken and wonder if indeed I shall be blessed,
    with new growth,
    A hint of green, that pushes up,
    through the earth,
    The magic that comes
    When you grow your own.


    And here I am, on land where the majestic olive trees grow,
    With such wonderful shade, to protect me and my young,
    from the sun,
    But just too much,
    in which to grow,
    the seeds that I wish to plant.


    I can't believe , I don't have a garden of my own.
    My own patch, where I can sit and sing to the veg,
    Yes I do that,
    My gratitude, it knows no limits,
    My gardens wild, like me.
    But now, now it feels as though a part of me is missing,
    As I yearn to put my hands in the soil, once again.


    This is my response to the latest Creative Graden challenge. When I read the first prompt which is the word 'Can't', the very first thing that came to my mind, was that I can't believe I still don't have my own garden. My own space to grow food for me and my girls. I'm growing a few things in pots, mainly herbs. But it's not the same as having a veggie patch. A space where I can get creative.

    I'm lucky that I can go and help some of my friends in their gardens in exchange for fresh veg. But again, it's not the same, as having my own. Something I think everyone in this community will understand. As well as growing, I love to just be in the garden, surrounded by the seeds and plants that I have put in the soil, that I would have enriched, with manure and compost. Feeding the soil , that will inturn feed me and my girls.

    That beautiful relationship, that we create with the soil and the plants. One that connects us all. Oh I miss that, perhaps most of all. I can't believe, I don't have my own garden.



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