Two can play.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Jay's night was officially ruined. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Jessica had just said no to him. He never thought that was possible. He kicked the tires of his car as if they were somehow responsible for Jessica's attitude that night. Realizing he was acting like a crazy person outside the gates to his house with a sea of eyes looking at him, drawn by his wild entrance, he adjusted his demeanor and walked to open the gate.

    Once inside his house, Jay examined the bubbled sole of his Tod's Gommino shoe, a recent addition from his trip to Italy. Content that it was unharmed, he made his way to the bar, nestled in the corner of his sitting room. He lifted the rich mahogany bar counter and approached the custom-built shelf showcasing an impressive array of various wines and spirits.

    Unsure of which drink was perfect for his emotions, which were becoming more tempestuous, he grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured himself a drink. He sat on one of the barstools with a plush leather seat and downed the contents, swallowing hard with his eyes shut tight. Tilting his head backward, he sought to ward off the encroaching emotional tempest before it engulfed him.

    His phone rang, and he opened his eyes and reached for it in his pocket, hopeful for an apology from Jessica. As the name of the caller flashed before his screen, a heavy sigh left his lips. It was Tunde, his friend, and he was in no mood for any questions. He was supposed to meet up with the guys that night. Treasure was his first choice, but she had informed him that she was red below, and knowing how wild the night the guys could get, he sought someone he could roll under the sheets with later on.

    Jessica, whom he affectionately termed "my petit," held the last spot on his list. She wasn't in his league, but she remained consistently available whenever he sought her company. Downing a second glass of vodka, he slammed it down so forcefully that he thought it might crack upon impact. He pondered his attraction to her. He always had to look down while talking, except when she was in her stilettos. He acknowledged her coveted pear-shaped structure, but her big, disproportionately large eyeballs seemed ready to escape their sockets.

    "What boob and ass would do to you, Jay." He sighed as he drank another glass and decided he was okay. He looked at the screen of his phone, and there was no message icon or missed call. The absence of a call or message from her surprised him. He was unaccustomed to women saying no. Placing his middle finger on the phone's side to unlock it, he swiped to his call directory. Hovering over Jessica's name, he hesitated, watching the call icon dance momentarily before changing his mind and closing his phone.

    Jessica had seen the light on her phone come up. She had seen it flash Jay's name before going dark again. Jay was not the type to flash a call. She knew he was frustrated. His unexpected anger had surfaced when he found her in pajamas at the front door, a departure from her usual readiness at his beck and call. At least tonight he wasn't standing her up with a clumsy excuse that plans changed without as much as a sorry. She picked up her Mac tablet and snuggled into her beige sectional sofa. Once she found a comfortable position, she opened the e-book she had yet to finish and began to read.


    It's been three weeks, and still no calls or long notes of sweet apology. Jessica might have been a dropout, but she knew how to weave her words, and that was one thing that endeared him to her apart from her body. Jay couldn't handle it anymore. Has she found someone else?

    That night, he called again, expecting a favorable response. As he waited for her to pick up at the other end of the phone, he felt his heart tingle and his lungs useless. How could she have such an effect on him?

    "Hey Jay! Wassup," her soprano voice came alive, causing goosebumps to decorate his skin.

    He took a moment, striving not to sound desperate, before responding, "Hey Jess! So, what do you say? Let's have dinner tonight at your favorite restaurant. I'll bring Cold Stone ice cream when I come to pick you up. I know it's your favorite."

    "Damn you, Jay! You know how to get a girl, but unfortunately, I'm occupied tonight. If only you informed me last week."

    Informed her last week? Is she joking? Since when did he start making plans with her? His once-smiling face quickly transformed into a frown, and he hoped his voice did not mirror it.

    "What are you occupied with?" He asked, short and direct.

    "I'm sorry, I have to go, Jay. Some other time, okay?

    Staring at his phone, Jay saw the call drop, replaced by a shark-themed wallpaper. He couldn't believe Jessica hung up on him. He was done with the game. Jessica was his emergency girlfriend, and he wasn't about to lose her.

    Without hesitation, Jay grabbed his car keys from the table and headed to his car. No one treated a man like him this way, not with his chiseled body, defined cheekbones, Titan's shoulders, and spear-shaped goatee—every woman's favorite. Jessica had always admired how he smelled, often seeking comfort in his arms and begging him to make love to her. What had changed?

    The lights were on when he arrived at her home, indicating a presence. Jay wondered if she had a male guest. He tapped on the door and waited for her to open up. The door opened, and without an invitation, he stepped into the red rug that adorned the floor of her sitting room. He surveyed the sitting room; there were no bottles of drink, half-filled cups, or anything else that connoted a second presence. He proceeded to her bedroom, a place he had spent several nights in, and found it empty.

    Jessica stood in the sitting room, hands on her waist, observing as Jay walked into the room and back, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The expressions on his face amused her, prompting a chuckle and then a cackle. Soon she was on the floor, holding her stomach, attempting to control her laughter, but it seemed unstoppable.

    "This is not funny, Jess. Who are you cheating on me with?" Jay questioned, his tone serious.

    The question silenced Jessica's laughter. She regained her composure, stood up, and adjusted her shorts.

    "Firstly, we aren't dating. Secondly, what was that all about? Were you hoping to find a man in my house? I'm sorry to disappoint you; there is no man in my life."

    "Don't sell me a dog, Jess!" Jay continued. "Then why have you been acting strange?

    "Jealousy, is that you?" Jessica asked, touching his chin and retracting her hand swiftly before he could brush it away. "I guess Sherry Argov was right after all."

    Jay's eyebrows formed an arc as his eyes locked with hers. "Sherry Argov?"

    "Yes! I was tired of being your doormat, and I've been reading her book 'Why Men Love Bitches,' and see? She was right."

    Jay shook his head as his hands found each other. "So I have been a specimen?"

    "Call it whatever you like. At least it's working, or you wouldn't be here," Jessica responded, wiggling her eyebrows and sticking her tongue out at him.

    As Jay stood in her sitting room, observing her, he realized that there was something special about Jessica. Perhaps he just needed to treat her differently to uncover it.

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