
in voilk •  3 months ago

    I have never been someone prone to accidents but recently getting hurt physically has become somewhat of a trend for me, which is super odd. It feels a little scary and I am trying to find out what is behind it. Not necessarily from a causal standpoint, co-occurence is good enough for me!

    An odd miniseries of injuries

    Towards the end of our dogsitting gig for winter I went one action too far one day. I was gonna take a break after going to the market and taking care of the dogs, but I opted to do one more little thing. With this tingly fleeting feeling inside emploring me to NOT.

    But I proceeded and... I cut into the tip of my finger with the sharpest knive we have. Almost cut off the tip, deepest cut I've ever had. Scratching the surface is something else entirely. The cut probably went at least 1/3 if not halfway of the finger depth and man if that tip had to go that would truly suck, especially if busking is one of your few careers. Which it still is for me. One of the few. Suddenly, busking was out of the question for weeks. HOPEFULLY MERELY for weeks, not for good.

    After the initial shock and blood, I thought I had to go to the emergency room to sow it, but quickly calmed down and opted for home remedies and rest, had my woman put a bandage on it and it has now been more than a month and the finger is healing great. Close one! But well done!

    Then a week ago, in swinging the pan a little too hard with an unfinished pancake inside, I splashed hot oil on my left knee which really hurt. Water at least runs off but oil stays in place until it cools. But just a tiny bubble appeared, all good. I used propolis we had bought from the local honey man in the weekly local market in Bulgaria and that helped tremendously. The magic honey bee healing glue!

    And now, like 3 days ago, we were about to meet some friends and watch their house and dog for a day... and I completely went overboard and splashed the entire 0.4 l cup with hot cocoa on my right leg. Barely boiling. It hit the foot this time (upper side), and after hours of cooling the foot and desensitizing it to being in the air rather than in water I had an enormous bubble form, largest I ever had. Along with smaller ones where other drips had hit. I was just thankful the gruesome pain had largely seized. Combination of the bees' propolis and a tincture from my mother who is a capable herbal witch of sorts... Lucky!

    Needless to say the blankets got the majority of the hit and there goes another day in van life: Here you thought you wanted to make a quick hot drink and go about your day and then the whole day shifts dramatically. and all you can do is to follow along with it and take it like it is.

    But at least I understood somehow that this is the right thing to do now: SLOW DOWN.

    This drama series has continued: Popped the major bubble by accident despite being hyper careful where to step - nope, one tiny little twig came loose in an unlikely way, fell on the bubble and popped it in a rather unfair manner. Had something else fall on my foot despite great care a day later.

    Now I get it: Maybe I am putting too much attention on my foot. It has almost become an energetic target of sorts ahahaha.

    Sometimes it feels like life is pushing me into a corner or a dead end. Universe what do you want me to do, just tell me and I will adapt! The thing is I don't feel overly eager or driven or obsessed with accomplishing a lot right now, I actually feel quite balanced and have felt so since the eclipse but something has changed somehow. Life seems more fragile than I remember and so do the daily physical concerns. Can you guys relate? You feel similar lately?

    I wonder if anybody else out there is going through this right now.
    @vincentnijman said he was going to take a break for a while and I should have just followed suit! But then I feel like I AM taking it easy and still: Unlikely entanglements and accidents waiting to happen so much so that I need to mention it on hive (for timecapsule purposes).

    A friend of mine keeps talking about mercury retrograde and to be careful while that lasts until the 25th of april, and I really don't know if that has anything to do with it. But if it is an indicator for cosmic energy patterns and their movement, it does seem to coincide well with my physical hickups. I will refrain from posting a picture here,no need to advertise this energetic direction in visuals!

    So now I am trying to let the foot heal with freshly cut aloe vera leaves in a bandage, move it as little as possible and give life ample space to not touch me physically ahahaha. We'll see how that goes.

    Then I look on the world stage today and it is pretending to start WW3 right about now. Well, whoopdeedoo - that fits rather nicely as well. I feel ready for the massive apocalypse (unveiling), the tearing down of the pesky old stage whose plays have gotten ridiculous and boring really. I have felt ready for a while now!

    But physically right about now: I am not ready at all.

    I need at least a few more days until I can walk around again. And heeding the odd messages these injuries have given me lately: I will only do the very utmost chores and physical movements required. Maybe then I surf with this odd wave better than I have been ;) And how lucky it's the perfect setup to blog more and make music. Guess that's where the road is taking me next...

    Good luck to all of us anyhow in these weird times. This year things are coming to a head somehow, I got a feeling and even physical precursors. Slow down dude! Yes even further. Slow doooooooooowwwwwwwwwn..!

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