5 minute freewrite 2272 prompt Neverending hallway

in voilk •  5 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2272 prompt neverending hallway hosted by @mariannewest

    On December 2, 2023, I was sleeping with my brother when something wet wrapped itself around the both of us and lifted us out of our nest. We were dropped on the ground and this creature started jumping on my brother, my brother no longer moved, and I lay there scared that my turn was next.

    Something was lifting me in the air but it was not wet, it was warm and held me gently while scolding the creature that took us. This new creature wrapped me in a warm blanket put me in a box and closed the lid. It was strange being in there but I felt safe.

    I guess she is now my mommy because she fed me, but she did not know that I could not drink cow's milk and gave it to me. It was 2% milk plus she put half water in it so I was ok and I did not drink much of it. It was all she had and the only thing to feed me with was a turkey baster, it worked but not that good. After reading that cow's milk was not good, she gave me water, I did not like it but it kept me from dehydrating.

    My Mommy bought a can of evaporated goat's milk and my new papa found a bottle from his vaping days that worked better for feeding me, it had a rubber cap that papa cut the end off so it would slide over the metal tip so I would not get hurt by it.

    My mommy started me on goat's milk the next day and 3 days later, my eyes were all the way open and I had grown to almost double my size. I heard mommy say she was not going to give me a name because she was going to let me go where there are others of my kind.

    December 18, I am outgrowing my home and dream of a neverending hallway where I can run and play. I heard Papa tell Mommy that the others were all gone, something called a bobcat had taken them, and he said it would not be a safe place for me.

    On December 21 my mommy moved me into a new home, I could run back and forth and even jump on top of the bigger house mom made for me. I heard Mommy say that others of my kind in the wild would not accept me in their warren,(bunch). That people are advised to never release only one rabbit by itself. Mommy gave me a name, she calls me Rudy.

    January 20th, 2024 my mommy is still feeding me goat's milk even though I am eating plenty of fresh vegetables, hay, and processed rabbit food. I think she likes it as much as I do.
    January 26, my mommy and papa got me a bigger home and I can run in circles as if my dream came true, I have my neverending hallway, I just have to run around and around in it, which I do all night long.
    Mommy is no longer giving me my milk, she still feeds me the bottle but all that is in it is water, sometimes I drink some of it and sometimes I drink it all.

    Mommy bought a halter for me so she can take me outside, I have never been there except for that scary day. At first, I was scared of the halter and ran from her, but now I lay there and let her put it on me, but it is going to be a long time before I grow into it.

    February 3, 2024, I have grown whiskers and do not want much to do with my bottle, Mommy still tries to give it to me, can't she see I am now a big boy, or do I just think I am? I do not care how big I get, I hope I never grow too big that Mommy will still take me out of my home for our morning and evening play and snuggle times.

    photos are mine

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