Week 16 was another difficult one as I made a -0.936 unit loss while I didn't even get in that much volume although there were plenty of games played. There are pretty much 2 thinks that come to my mind right now.
The first is one that I mentioned many times in the past which is how I really like of how my blog shows a realistic picture as it evolves without having any thing to sell or nobody to fool. I keep track of all of it for myself with an aim to increase my chance to be profitable as it helps create a very disciplined setup. Downswings are part of it and also periods where things aren't really going the way I want them to go. This is completely different to 99.9% of what can be found on the internet as everyone tends to be just bragging after thing went well while staying quiet about losses. Same thing with Social media where only the good things are shared often as a way to cope or lottery winners that are shown creating the illusion that it's possible. In crypto also I don't know anyone who makes calls and properly keeps track of them without any shady business going on not even talking about doing it for nearly a decade.
The 2nd one which kind of worries me more is that I mentioned over and over again how I just absolutely enjoy following the league while trying to find value on the market and filling my weekends watching all the matches in my home comfort bubble. This weekend especially on Sunday where multiple matches were played at once it was one of those rare times when I just wasn't up for it and couldn't bring myself to really focus. I guess a big part of it is because it's been too busy with the crypto market getting really interesting again. My 'gambling' kind of expanded to meme coins and I'm in a situation where there are simply too many things that require some kind of focus that it gets scattered all over the place making me unproductive at them all pretty much. The lack of time got me to eat less healthy, work out less, which is al starting to manifest and I need to fix this again one way or another. Money has also come so easy with the big crypto gains the last months that the betting activity is neglectable while I can't just increase my stakes because I really need to believe I have a big enough edge which right now there is no indication to whatsoever.
So right, the only real option is to go more into low-profile mode until I get everything straightened out again. I will continue to follow the matches but try to be way more selective with the bets that I place until I find the good form, belief, and motivation again. The good thing is that this isn't the first time I needed to recalibrate over the years and it's something that just comes along with it. The key is to not fool myself or go chasing anything. long term success is the only real objective and that is what it will remain even if it means the time comes where I have to make some more drastic choices.
Pre-Game Preview Bets Season 2024-2025
I only ended up having 1 quite confident bet that ended up not playing out in the way that I anticipated at all. If feels like I'm in a stage now where if I go for something that makes sense based on form and patters, the team one way another tends to break this and each time I stay disciplined and stay away from something it turns out in a winner.
Previous 4 Seasons Result
Aside from sharing my previews and bets on my Blog, I also cover all matches live in our SBC Discord Channel sharing all the bets I take. The main purpose is to stay sharp and keep myself accountable.

Season 2024-2025 Personal Betting Chart

More downside on the chart which now is at around -4 units of loss which everything combined is very limited as I was very cautious on my stakes so far not chasing anything. At times like this it's also nice to be able to zoom out and see the long-term picture of 10000+ bets tracked over the years. This pretty much still shows a straight line up with a correction now that is neglectable and overall +3.15% ROI.
However, the exponential growth which is something to aim for is not there as I fail to really increase my stakes both because limits are harder and the edge gets smaller.
Regular Season Results 2024-2025
Week 16 Results 21 Bets | 06W-11L-04P | Staked 02.753u | -0.936u Loss
Week 15 Results 45 Bets | 13W-29L-04P | Staked 04.665u | -0.149u Loss
Week 14 Results 46 Bets | 13W-29L-04P | Staked 04.962u | -1.2591u Loss
Week 13 Results 27 Bets | 08W-15L-04P | Staked 03.074u | -1.101u Loss
Week 12 Results 63 Bets | 39W-16L-08P | Staked 04.874u | +1.737u Profit
Week 11 Results 37 Bets | 14W-17L-06P | Staked 03.871u | -0.347u Loss
Week 10 Results 62 Bets | 19W-39L-04P | Staked 07.324u | -1.849u Loss
Week 09 Results 62 Bets | 30W-25L-07P | Staked 06.600u | +0.216u Profit
Week 08 Results 26 Bets | 16W-07L-03P | Staked 03.921u | +0.963u Profit
Week 07 Results 50 Bets | 21W-17L-12P | Staked 05.544u | +0.403u Profit
Week 06 Results 28 Bets | 14W-11L-03P | Staked 03.824u | +0.825u Profit
Week 05 Results 38 Bets | 14W-19L-05P | Staked 05.130u | -0.522u Loss
Week 04 Results 51 Bets | 18W-27L-06P | Staked 05.308u | -0.512u Loss
Week 03 Results 44 Bets | 13W-28L-04P | Staked 06.999u | -1.305u Loss
Week 02 Results 48 Bets | 22W-25L-01P | Staked 06.270u | -0.429u Loss
Week 01 Results 34 Bets | 11W-14L-09P | Staked 04.245u | +0.145u Profit
Week 00 Results 10 Bets | 05W-04L-01P | Staked 00.860u | -0.046u Loss
Total Season 2023-2024 Results
694 Bets | 285W-323L-86P | 80.224 Staked | -4..071u Loss | -5.07% ROI
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