The choice I have made

in voilk •  4 months ago

    “How can I get out of this situation?” This was the only question left in my head until I met my long-lost friend, Henry. Thank goodness he came on time; otherwise, I would have been doomed.

    It all happened when my parents were forcing me to get married as I was getting older. I had two girlfriends, and I had to take one of them to my family. I tried hard to make my selection, as the two girls had proven to be good characters. Mariam and Nancy were perfect girls. I tried to search for means to terminate my love for Mariam for Nancy, but the more I tried to do so, the more Mariam kept loving me.

    One fateful day, I went to the village with Nancy, not as my girlfriend or wife-to-be, but as my friend. We traveled down with joy on Nancy's face, thinking I was going to pronounce her as my wife. As we got to my parents’ house, they welcomed Nancy to the fullest. My mom even ignored me for Nancy.

    “Welcome, my wife,” my mom said. Immediately after I heard that statement from my mom, I began to have second thoughts on how to reply to her, but then my thoughts changed.

    “Williams, thank you for honoring my words," my mom said to me, but I was not comfortable with her words. Nancy, on the other hand, was filled with smiles.

    “Mum, I don't understand what you meant by that statement," I replied to my mom, as she was also entangled with Nancy.

    “I appreciate you bringing a girl into your heart," my mom said.

    I was confused, but then I had no choice other than to reply to my mom, “I don't think you are getting me right. This girl is just a friend, not my girlfriend." Immediately after I made that statement, my mom's face changed.

    Meanwhile, Nancy was surprised to hear that statement from me but had no choice other than to accept it.

    We stayed for two days, and those two days were so special, and there were smiles on my parents’ faces. Nancy was able to win my parents' hearts. My mom objected to my statement and said I must marry Nancy no matter what, as she helped her a lot. Nancy could not say a word even after getting home.

    I went to the supermarket to buy some items for the house before I bumped into my old friend, Henry. We both chatted for hours.

    “Hope you have a family now?” I asked Henry.

    “I have a beautiful wife and two kids, a boy and a girl," Henry replied as I was left with my mouth open.

    “What about you?” he asked me.

    “I'm a confused man right now. Two women are on me, and they have proved to me to be good, both in character and in beauty. Now, I don't know which one to choose, and I cannot marry two women. My mom even asked me to bring my girlfriend for them to be sure that I was ready to settle down, but I don't know what to do," I said keenly and openly.

    “Have you taken anyone to see your mom?” Henry asked.

    “I took Nancy to see my mom just last week, and I told my mom she was an ordinary friend and nothing else," I said to my friend.

    “So they know each other?” Haney asked.

    “Ah, that's not possible. And you know that?” I replied.

    “I just want to be certain," Henry said.

    “The only thing you have to do now is tell your parents to behave as if they are wretched and without hope. Let your mom tie her legs just as if she had got injured, and she should put something that would make it look rough and bad," Henry said.


    “Now take Mariam to your parents and see the outcome. I'm sure one of them would fumble,” Henry said.

    “I will try your logic," I replied.

    I related what my mom had to do as well as what my dad had to do.

    Two days later, I took Mariam to my parents. They were so glad, but in pretense, to see Mariam, but Mariam, on the other hand, was having a feeling of dejection. My mom was trying to move close to her, but she was, on the other hand, rejecting her. I saw it as my mom gave me a signal.

    “She is not your wife," my mom said when Mariam was outside.

    “I have seen her true nature; I have to make decisions before we return home," I said to my mom.

    “Why are you rejecting my mom?” I asked Mariam.

    “Don't you see the way the injury is? It's so irritating, and I don't think I can draw closer to your mom. Even your dad is somehow having body odor," Mariam could not wait an inch before pouring out her mind to me.

    Just that act alone made her fall out of my heart.

    “I thought you were a good woman that I could even take as my wife; I never knew you were just pretending all these while," I said to Mariam.

    “I'm sorry, it's not the way you think," she replied.

    “How can my parents accept you with this attitude? They were even pretending to be dirty. My mom is physically okay. We just wanted to know what kind of girl you are, and you have not shown us your true picture.“.

    “Without wasting time, leave this house at once," my mom commanded.

    She packed her things and left, shamefully.

    Two months later, I told Nancy that my mom had a serious injury. We both went to the village to visit her. My mom only pretended to be injured and also placed some ointment on it that could make it look as if it had decayed. She also applied another ointment that would bring out an offensive odor.

    We got to the house, and immediately, Nancy rushed and kneeled before my mom, touching the injury.

    “Mum, I need to prepare hot water and use it on the injury," Nancy said.

    “But are you not irritated with the odor?” My mom asked.

    “Why should I get irritated? At least it's an injury and would not last forever. Someone must take care of it, or else it will get worse than this. I think you have not been taking care of it before now," Nancy said. As she was about to remove the bandage, my mom held her hands and said, “You are a good girl. I only did this to test your kind of person.”.

    This was what my parents called me, and we glued our hands together.

    “Son, this is your lost rib. She is made for you, and you alone.”.

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