in voilk •  4 months ago

    I'll take out this time to celebrate an exceptional personality that has helped shaped my life and made it a perfect and amazing journey,

    Today is #MothersDay celebration and in the same spirit of celebrating #Women Globally today is set aside for the women who has birthed life, to keep procreation and posterity of mankind, this is particularly one of the key reasons why I respect mothers a lot, because the journey of incubating a foetus for nine whole months carrrying them these long while doing others chores, still had to go through the pain of child birth and literally look after them for a life time, Because a mother's love never runs out..

    Mothers are exceptional, I'm sure everyone of us have that spark of inspiration from our mom, they have been our number one fan right from birth, they have always been there for us, from our first crawl to our first step to our first run and now when they look at us and imagine how time flies with tears in their eyes.

    I would love to use this one medium to celebrate an exceptional mother, a rare gem, my diamond lady who with her unwavering strength and steadfastness groomed me into an amazing personality today, caring, loving and at all cost ensures that her family is satisfied, more than a million times she would step in, improvise and create a pathway possible , even when it goes against her own wish

    Later on I would describe my mom as a disciplinarian or an authoritarian, her principles are straight forward must be followed and implemented to the later no compromise, back then I thought this was not normal, the yelling, beating but truth be told I'm happy now cause those principles are imprinted in my heart.

    Mothers are exceptional and powerful, they can go all out just to do anything to make sure you're okay, and that bond between mother and child is what science cannot explain, that feeling is second to none.

    I raise a glass to all mothers in the universe, procreators of life, endowed with nature's beauty...

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