in voilk •  4 months ago

    Its another beautiful weekend.🕺💃 I'm @fab-tay and i welcome us to weekend-engagement 197 on this @weekendexperiences community and i commend @galenkp for the great job he is doing week in - week out in this community. For this weekend engagement, i will be writing on my adoration for men who lived up their dream to reality despite challenges faced and not giving up. I adore men who lived up their dream to reality and not giving up on them inspite of challenges faced because challenges are the food of champions and there cannot be a victor without a war/challenge. It promises to be an interesting read even as i share personal experiences in light of this.

    One of the beauty of life which makes life worthy of living is the ability to have a dream or aspiration about a great future and to follow it through without giving up. Right from when I was young, I had some dreams and aspirations which I had pursued and achieved as a result of the clear cut dream I had about them earlier enough. I had always wanted to be a keyboardist and also to be a Pharmacist.

    Inorder to achieve this too, I began to prepare my mind and make room for sacrifices to achieve these two things by the help of God. I started the learning process of the keyboard through learning from my elder brother who is a reknown keyboardist after been on his neck for awhile and I also put in the effort by constantly rearshing after each lesson. There are days of going hungry just to rearshe and to become better which all have become the story of the past now as I'm now a keyboardist and also a keyboard trainer who has taught others who are now keyboardist. In pursuit of my dream, I bought my own personal keyboard about 5 years ago for personal rearshal and to get better. Therefore, I adore men who followed up on their dreams and achieved it despite the challenges encountered.

    Also, I also wanted to be a Pharmacist by profession and as a career, I opted in for it while I processed my University admission, but unfortunately, I got admitted to a different course entirely but I didn't give up my dream. I reapplied again and when through the necessary examinations and screenings, I passed it all and I was admitted on merit to the prestigious Faculty of Pharmacy in Nigeria which is the premier school of Pharmacy in Nigeria. During my studies, I had academic challenges but in it all, I finished well and became a Pharmacist by the Grace of God. Therefore, I adore men who didn't give up on their dreams but achieved it despite the challenges they faced or encountered.

    Reflecting on all these, I can boldly say that life is only for those who can dream, I mean daring to dream because once conceived, it is achievable as no one can ever achieve the success or greatness he/she never dreamed or desired of. Also, dreaming alone doesn't guarantee achievement, but taking practical/consistent actions inline with the dream. Therefore, I celebrate men who had a dream and followed it through despite the hurdles faced because the joy and reward is worth more than the challenges encountered if not given up. Thank you for reading and comments are welcomed. I wish us all a joyful weekend ahead.


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