Let's Make a Collage - 201 - fire

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Que dura es la vida... casi que no termino, pero logre terminar mi arte para esta edición de Creatives on Hive round 201, que trata sobre generar una imagen o arte de collage a partir de una imagen propuesta y trabajar de forma creativa sobre ella.

    En esta ocasión te muestro a una diosa en un escenario ardiente... creo algo nos tiene que decir en su cuadro mágico nos mostrara el futuro o hecho que resaltar.

    El arte fue elaborado en Photoshop y las imágenes son propias y otras sacadas de LIL.

    Enlace al concurso:



    Imagen base del concurso

    Estatua - Fotografía tomada en la antigua sede de la jefatura Sabana Brande, desde mi celular

    pared exterior de Teatro Nacional de Caracas. Fotografía tomada en la antigua sede de la jefatura Sabana Brande, desde mi celular

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @eimy7.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @lunaturqueza.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @teungkulik.


    @lmac 20% / @teungkulik 2% / @lunaturqueza 2% / @eimy7 2 %

    Espero les haya gustado el Arte de esta semana.

    English - Google Translator

    How hard life is... I almost didn't finish, but I managed to finish my art for this edition of Creatives on Hive round 201, which is about generating an image or collage art from a proposed image and working creatively on it. she.

    On this occasion I show you a goddess in a fiery setting... I think she has something to tell us in the magical painting she will show us the future or fact to highlight.

    The art was made in Photoshop and the images are my own and others taken from LIL.

    Link to the contest:

    https://ecency.com/hive-174695/@lmac/lets-make-a-collage-a-contest-for-all-creatives-on-hive-round-201-47-hive-in-the-prize -pool


    Base image of the contest

    Statue - Photograph taken at the former Sabana Brande headquarters, from my cell phone

    Exterior wall of the National Theater of Caracas. Photograph taken at the former Sabana Brande headquarters, from my cell phone

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @ eimy7.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @lunaturqueza.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @teungkulik.


    @lmac 20% / @teungkulik 2% / @lunaturqueza 2% / @eimy7 2%

    I hope you liked this week's Art.

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