in voilk •  3 months ago

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    So, I mentioned in my post yesterday that I would be going to the NYSC camp in a few days, and I explained briefly what the program was all about for people who are not familiar with the acronym. However, I started my preparations today and this doesn't mean I am excited or finally feeling ready for this journey, I just had to do what needed to be done. I do not want to be running around in the last minute, I hate being overwhelmed so much.

    Although there is still the uncertainty of the state we'll eventually be posted in, it doesn't stop us from preparing because we have to do it anyways. My brother and I will be going with this batch together and we are hoping to be posted to the same state. Our first stop this morning was my cousin's place of work. He is a fashion designer and we wanted him to make our plain white shorts for us; this is one of the main requirements at this camp. He took our measurements and we made him promise to deliver on Monday.

    After we left his shop, we went to eat breakfast at a restaurant and we went to the market after, for the actual shopping. The first thing we got was this low budget sneakers, I don't know what else to call it. I think the material is probably rubber or foam, but this was the recommended shoe to take to this camp. It is easy to clean and very light, so it helps one get through the activities for the day without severe pain in the leg.

    I got a waist pouch while my brother got a cross bag. We got stationaries like permanent marker, pen, mini stapler, ID card holder, and Office file. We moved further ahead and got buckets, bowls, and cups. We got small padlocks to use in locking our bags and securing our belongings. We then went to the mall after and while my brother got granola, I went for corn flakes and golden morn. Not that I am exactly a fan to the core, but I know they will do me a lot of help at the camp. We got glucose as well and when we wanted to shop further, we realized how outrageous their prices were at that particular store.



    We just stopped at what we had gotten and decided to shop for the rest later. Due to the amount of load we had, we could not opt for public transport since we couldn't see a straight bus home. We went online and ordered a ride home and it was less stressful that way and also quite comfortable. So far so good, that is how prepared I am for camp. I am still not prepared mentally though.

    Thanks for reading❤️

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