Delicious tofu and tempeh stew recipe

in voilk •  last month

    Plant Power (Vegan)
    tofu and tempeh stew recipe

    Hello friends, everyone, hive and food lovers

    hello everyone, come back with me on this occasion, I want to make a lunch side dish menu that comes from tempeh and tofu, tempeh and tofu are my favorite foods, I really like various preparations of soya beans, so it's not surprising that I like tempeh and know

    tempeh is one of the foods that is always in stock in my refrigerator, because my family really likes tempeh so it has become an obligation that when I go shopping I have to buy tempeh, today I want to process this tempeh into my family's vegan lunch menu.

    I made tempeh stew, actually this is the first time I made this tempeh stew, because I just saw the recipe on the internet, before I tried making this tempeh stew, I was sure that the taste would be delicious, because I just looked at the spices. has really convinced me that this is delicious

    Without waiting a long time I started to take all the ingredients needed to make this tofu tempe stew

    Ingredients for making tofu tempe stew :

    • 2 tempeh boards
    • 2 white tofu planks

    ground spices :

    • 4 red chilies
    • cayenne pepper to taste
    • 4 candlenut nuts
    • 3 cloves of red onion
    • 2 cloves of garlic

    how to make:

    (1) The first step is to cut the tempeh and tofu, after that fry the tempeh and tofu using a little oil, don't forget to add a little salt before frying the tempeh

    (2) After the tempeh has been fried then take all the ingredients to make ground spices including onions, candlenuts and chilies then grind all the spices.

    (3) Once smooth, sauté the spices in a little oil, then add a little water, around 150ml, add a little salt and sweet soy sauce, then add the tempeh and tofu that were fried earlier and stir well.

    (4) cook until the sauce has reduced a little then check the taste to see if it is right, after the sauce has reduced a little then turn off the stove and the tofu and tempeh stew is ready to be served with a bowl of warm rice

    Here's the photo after it's finished

    the taste is really delicious because the spices are absorbed perfectly, it's really delicious

    That's all my post this time, I hope you like the tofu and tempeh stew recipe that I shared, and don't forget to try this recipe, friends,

    See you in the next post friends

    Who is @aera8?.jpg

    Who is @aera8?

    aera8 is a housewife
    whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from aera8❤️

    Thank you for your visit

    Best Regards @aera8

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