Education is the foundation for a brighter tomorrow. [Learn. Evolve. Succeed]

in voilk •  4 months ago

    At times when people see the success stories of, Bill gates , Mark zuckerberg and many other billionaire around the world, they losses their faith in getting an education degree. These billionaire reached the pinnacle of the career without any proper education. Many people losses faith in the getting proper education for success in life. Inhave encountered this situation many a times and feel demotivated as many young generstion are not concerned about getting education proper degree. They are not ready to see other sides of the coin, where people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bozes and other climbed the success at back of some good education degree. They do not see the importance of education in their life, and assumed that billionaire can be made without proper degree in hand. However, everyone is not born with silver spoon in the mouth. People need to be well qualified to reach top of the career ladder and get success in life.

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    The Building Block in Life

    It is the result of some hard work and persistent studies that people like Sunder Pichai, Parag Aggarawal and others are making India proud by holding some strategic position at some of the top world company. There is a simple cycle that people needs to understand : Education comes with a degree, and with a degree comes a lot of opportunities. Underestimating a degree always results in loss and deprived ourself from various benefits. People needs to understand that, If a person is educated, they can manage their own life without being dependent on others. Education comes with multiple benefits which many people overlook during the course of life :

    • It helps in framing a positive mindset.
    • It helps people in improving their knowledge and skills.
    • It helps in excelling in the career and persinal growth.
    • It helps in building confidence and improve communication skills.

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    Education or Business.

    Indian, eduction is structured in difderrnt layers. First layer comprises of primary level consisting of clases till 7th standard. The Second layers comprises of three years of middle school that concludes on 10th standard and the third layers is of high school which ends after 2 years. After the completion of high school, students can pursue higher education at a university or college and are eligible for Bachellor and further pursure Masters or any higher education system. In recent years, the education in India is more of a business nowadays. In order to provide all the facilities, people are ready to pay any sum of amount. Cashing on these opportunities, many schools, colleges and coaching centres are coming up every day. They charges hefty amount for their services and the parents are ready to pay in hope for better education.

    Curious conditions of education.

    In India, there is a common saying that a person who wants to study, can grasp knowledge from anywhere and in anyway. Even if they deprived of various facilities, they can get education of their own. There are many example, where kids from a weaker family back ground have reached to the top. They Crack some of the toughest exam and made themselves an example of pure dedication and hard work.

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    In recent times, I belive post covid-19, people in India are make themselves aware about the online classes. Else before that, people are always in favor of regular school. Regular schools have their own advantages, where a kid can learn to be in discipline and follow a routine. This makes them a good human being and know how to value time. In contrast, kids who are learning through online does not focus much and always hooked with many different things on their gadgets. It is hard to put an eye all the time. Being regular a kid can able to learn the various perspective, through their friends and colleagues, while in online studies, kids are deprived of this advantages. In my times people always advocates for group studies as it simply strengthen people prospective and they can easily get different opinion. This is the biggest drawback when it comes to online classes.

    My Dad always used to say that, there is no boundaries for getting education. A person who is inclined for studies can grasp knowledge from anywhere and succeed in life. It is the intent that matters most.

    This is my Day 13 entry for the Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o March.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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