My Actifit Report Card: 2024/04/20 Leg Day, & Cardio

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Today I showered with cold water. I realized, I’m so used to the privileges that comes with living in a first world country that a slight inconvenience has me complaining so much.

    Due to some road work in my area, gas usage is stopped for today. The thing is, I actually received a notice about but I also got the same notice for April 16th but that time I was still able to use gas. So I thought it would be the same today as well. But it was different, and I realized this when I was about to heat up some almond milk for my protein drink this morning. I told myself I’ll have to take a shower in the gym then. But then proceed to forget to bring fresh clothes 🤦‍♀️ So in the end I had to endure the cold water at home lol 💦

    Anyway, here’s what I did for my workout today:

    8x2 20kgx2
    6 20kgx2 (with pause)

    B-stance single leg RDL (smith machine):
    5x2 15kgx2
    4 15kgx2

    Hip Abduction:
    8 80kg
    8 82kg
    7 82kg

    Leg Press:
    8x2 63.75kgx2
    6 65kgx2

    I also added some cardio to which I surprised myself that I even had the energy to do so. I did not eat breakfast so I thought my energy level is low. But anyway I did the same thing as last time on the treadmill. Did 2 sets of sprints, 1min each. Jogged for 10mins and the rest is walking. 30mins in total.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity,Gym,Jogging,Running,Walking,Weight Lifting

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