My University UNEARTE Students Color`s Theory Final Art - @nahupuku "Puku"👽 - 2025
University Students making cool venezuelan art.

TeorÃa del Color - Arte Final (Digital-art, Mixed media)- Virtual Expo:
Hi to all - PukuGreetings/PukuSaludos, Im a Professor in the most important Art University of my country Venezuela, and Im going to show you some of theirs art pieces, this time its about My University UNEARTE Students Making Color`s Theory Final Art. I hope that you like it, this posts will become a part of a Digital/Virtual Art Expo that we going to show you today, this its the new post. The students make it this artworks around 1 month ago with different art techniques and styles, they are VERY talented so I hope that you like our showroom. Some of them like: @jaguart00, @leidyg-art, @miguelvaldez18, @viktoriaarts and @nathan-art, are art creators to Hive, others have a Hive acoount and they use NFTShowroom for mint theirs art pieces.
Final Art expo link:
PukuMundo Art Links:
Final Artworks:
This virtual exhibition includes re-interpretations of everyday things or theirs own creations.
Profesor Guide: Nahu Padilla @nahupuku
Behind the scenes:
Recorrido GalerÃa Virtual:
Showroom Virtual Expo Colors: Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Orange and Yellow:
Showroom Virtual Expo Ethnic, Dragons, Renaissance, Mannierism, Baroque, Rome and Greek classical, Egyptian, Reverón and Avant-garde Art Posts:
Future Memoirs Art expo
Class Group Section 9 and 10 students making art pieces.
Clase Grupo Sección 9 y 10 creando obras de arte.
My NFTShowroom gallery:
PukuEdición by me - 2025 - NNR
And My discord channel PKM:

PukuEdición by me, 2025 - NNR

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post