Let's face our fears together and empower each other.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    It is unexpected to learn, that there are over 500 range of phobias that humans are suffered from but most are extremely rare that are found in people. A phobia is an anxiety disorder that causes an irrational, persistent, and excessive fear of a person, object, activity, situation, or animal. Phobias can range from mild to severe and can happen in early childhood, they affect both men and women equally. Phobias can be caused by a combination of genetic, family and environmental factors.

    (own edited image)

    Phobias are irrational fears that are extreme and often unjustified because the threat is minimal or non-existent. People with phobias may go to extreme lengths to avoid the thing they're afraid of, even though they understand that their fear is not logical. It can be so overwhelming that a person may try to avoid the source of their fear or endure it with great anxiety and distress. Phobias can cause a rapid onset of fear. A person with a phobia may experience an accelerated heart rate, clammy hands and feet, and sweating. Once the stress is relieved, they may feel cold and shaky.

    As said there are numerous types of phobias, Dogs, Heights, Tunnels, Darkness, Water, Flying, and Injuries involving blood. In my case, I have a phobia from sharp objects near my face. It is kind of environmental factors that took over on my mind since my school days. In environmental factor, "Phobias" can be caused by a traumatic event, such as a bad first encounter with a feared object or situation. and I went through one such instance.

    my twist with phobia

    it was during one of history classes in my school days. I was not interested in leaening dates, and events. Infact not many students liked that subject. But everyone was attending it casually. To spend the time, I started poking a boy sitting in front of me. He didn't reacted but suddenly he moved his hand fiercely backwards. I noticed a spiky wooden pencil passing in front my eyes in quick time. It created a panic in me. My eyes was saved from a major injuiries or bruises. (I am feeling the goosebumps, mere remembering the situation). That guy was attentive and did not liked my disturbances.

    Since then, I never like any pencil, pen or any sharp objects near my face or someone playing with them near me. I noticed it later, that I develop a kind of fear from that situation in the class room. As soon as I comes across any sharp objects, I feel a increased geerr best and anxiety taking over me. I think that incident has a severe impact on my mind, and created a fear of losing my eyes. In such cases, I quickly move away or ask the person to keep the objects away.

    People have all kinds of phobias, some common phobias include:

    • Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
    • Ailurophobia: Fear of cats
    • Aerophobia: Fear of flying on a plane.
    • Vertigo : Fear from heights

    And I have my own phobias which develops with a childhood incidents. I better avoid such situation to appears. But again, you never know how and in what way it may comes to haunt. I experinced it in office, or home and many other places. Even if some plays with a pen or pencil in their fingers, I started feeling unwell. It was later I realised I have my own type of Phobia.

    The only way to cope up with such irrational fears, is by learning relaxation techniques that can help to get rid with the mental and physical feelings of fear.

    This is my Day - 24 entry to Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o May.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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