in voilk •  3 months ago

    The United States of a Sovereign People, will be returning to the use of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, that will have a "Face Value" Range from $2 to $100...

    $100 will be the Highest Face Value allowed on our Coins, although the Weights of the Coins may be Regulated and Exchanged as needed...

    Now, may be a good time to get in on the "Ground Floor" of Common U.S. Coinage...

    I have to believe our Common U.S. Coinage will be used to make change for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coinage...

    Big Hands...1.JPG
    I can't wait for the Activation of our U.S. Electronic Coinage...

    Our Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

    I figure, the Red, Whites and Blues will soon "Join Forces" to fight the Central Bank Owners...

    I have good reason to believe the Central Bank Owners "and" their Assets will be Seized...

    I figure, they Currently own "almost" everything worth owning...

    I can't wait for all their Silver and Gold, to come Flooding back into the United States of a Sovereign People...

    If I'm right about everything I write, "We the People" will be Minting "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold Coinage, and Shipping them all over the World...

    To start off, I figure we'll be offering a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate for anyone holding "Physical" Paper Dollars...

    One Thousand Physical U.S. Paper Dollars can be Exchanged for $10 in U.S. Coinage...

    This means a One Ounce $10 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of today's Fiat USD's...


    Just in case you're new to my Blogs, here's 12 of my latest Posts, for your reading enjoyment...

    The Best "is" here to stay...

    The Time is Now...

    Pocket Change is here to stay...

    To answer your question, "I don't know"...

    One more time, real slow...

    The Treasure is within Reach...

    Attention Dolphins...

    Hello Friends...

    There will be an "Electronic Coinage" bonus for Silver and Gold...

    Who wants to be Rich...???

    The "Over-Looked" Hard Asset "is"...

    Back to the Old Grind...

    The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

    I'll try to keep my latest 12 posts here, to make them easy to find...

    This will make it easier for you to go the top of the list, in each of the posts...

    If any of you new readers have any questions, please feel free to ask...

    I may be going dark in the Very Near Future, so you better be prepared for whatever...

    Keep in mind that "I think" it's very important to bring some Common U.S. Coinage to the other side of the U.S. Monetary Reset...

    I'll be using my Pocket Change to obtain mostly 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins...

    I figure the Day will Come when 1/2 ounce of Silver will get me 1 ounce of Gold...

    I plan on getting "2" of the 1/2 ounce "$5" Silver Coins for each of my $10 Rolls of Quarters...

    Each $5 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 500 of today's Fiat Dollars...

    I'm sure most of you already know this, so why do I waste my time repeating it...

    I suppose I do it for anybody who Stumbles upon my posts...

    I forgot to check what Silver and Gold did today...

    I suppose it doesn't matter to me, since I plan on getting Plenty of my Silver on the other side of the Reset...

    It will be nice, being able to get in on the Ground Floor of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

    I may or may not have Answers to many of your Monetary Questions concerning the Reset, so feel free to ask...

    I get tired of guessing what people want to know...

    If you have doubts or concerns about anything I write, I think it would be nice of you to let me know...

    My 7th Anniversary is coming up in May...

    It's hard to believe I spent Seven years, "Fine Tuning" my version of the coming U.S. Monetary Corrections...

    I think I came a long way, coming up with all of the fine details...

    I know what the Melt Values and Face Values will need to be, for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...


    The Face Value of this Coin needs to be 20 Dollars and it's Weight needs to be Corrected to 1/5 ounce of Fine Gold...

    The other 3 Gold Coins will only need their Face Values "Doubled"...

    I even cam up with a Phase Two and a Phase Three of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

    Phase One will be Awesome, but Phase Two and Three is probably too much for any of you to believe...

    It's actually pretty hard to believe what's about to happen in Phase One...

    If I had to choose between Silver or Gold, I'd pick Silver for sure...

    I believe the day will come when One Ounce of Silver will get me Two Ounces of Gold...

    There's no way, I"d sell any of my Silver to buy Gold...

    I always laugh when people complain about having too much Silver, when they can get much less

    You'd be surprised how just a small amount of Silver will be worth so much more than it's worth today...

    I use the Present as a means, to Travel into the Very Near Future...

    It's kind of like Driving a Car and seeing the Very Near Future heading our way, before it Zooms by, into the Very Near Past...

    The Present is always very near and dear to me...

    It's the one place in time where everything happens...

    I know the Present is with me always and it's everlasting...

    In fact, without the Present, we would have no Life in our Bodies...

    As far as my Wild imagine allows me to Travel into the Very Near Past, the Spark of Life that's within me, dates all the way back...

    Wow, there's a lot to be written about the Present...

    It's amazing that any of us are even here at all...

    So now I'm here, "Stuck in the Middle" with all you Fine Folks...

    I've always had a constant Musical Beat, going on in my head...

    This dates back, as far as I can remember...

    It does help when I listen to music...

    And I did discover why everybody sings so much better in the shower...

    I won't tell, unless someone asks me in a Reply...

    I'm starting to get less and less replies, so now I'm forced to get information out of me...

    I know how to make any one of your Rich, beyond your Wildest Dreams, but no one is ever interested enough to ask how...

    I could teach a person making Minimum Wage, how to invest just 10 Dollars per Day. that will end up with the Spending Power of 1,000 per day, during "Phase One" of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

    And that's just investing $10 per day...

    If you knew what was coming in Phase Two and Phase Three of the Reset, you'd really do good to read what I write...

    I might tell you if you ask in one of your replies...

    It's easy to make money, when you can see what's heading our way...

    Just a Few Pieces of a Puzzle, will allow people to see a much Bigger Picture...

    I've been able to put many pieces of the Monetary Puzzle together, so it's very easy for me to see what's coming...

    I'm sure there must be a few of you, who have a nice amount of Common U.S. Coinage...

    I keep adding to my pile, every time I buy Gasoline for my Car...

    I always get back 50 Cents in Change, which will get me back my Spending Power, on the other side of the Reset...

    I spend the Paper Fiat, in order to get back Change...

    I love putting U.S. Coinage into my Pocket...

    Today, I got back a Half Dollar Coin, which I believe will end up having the Spending Power of 50 Fiat Dollars...

    This all begins to happen, when a One Ounce "Circulating" U.S. Silver Coin has a $10 Face Value...

    A Rose....jpg

    Feel free to question what I write...

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