I Went on Murree Tour

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Welcome back to my post. I was busy on Murree tour last week and I just came back two days ago. I made this tour very memorable and enjoyed a lot with my friends. I thought why not post my memories in the #Pinmapple Community

    Our Murree tour was organized by the college and we were at the college at the appointed time on a weekday at nine in the morning as all the children had togather there. Some children arrived late and we left here at around 12 o'clock. We had a lot of fun on the way. The journey was quite long. But still we made our trip a memorable one and we were not tired at all. There was a lot of traffic on the way and we got out of the bus in that traffic. On the side of the road we put songs on the buffer and we started dancing. It was quite memorable and when the traffic opened, we boarded the bus again and left for the journey to Murree

    We reached Murree at 2 o'clock in the night and we booked six rooms in a hotel there as we were 40 children in total. There were only six children in our ICS class. We booked our own room. The LCD in our room was broken. But instead they provided us with the wifi password. There were two beds in this room. But we all managed things very well

    The night was almost over but we could not sleep. Because we traveled to Murree for the first time and Murree was quite beautiful. We checked out of our hotel and wandered around the markets of Murree. First we ate in a nice hotel. The food was very delicious

    We also shopped at Murree shops and saw their culture. The prices of things here were quite high, the things that cost 100 rupees in our city cost 200 rupees here. I think it is foolish to shop here. But still we took few things for some souvenir. I took a pair of leather socks as my shoes were wet from the snow. Due to which the water used to go up to my feet. So they have been quite beneficial for me

    After a lot of walking we returned to our room at four am in the night and went to sleep. Because we had to go to Nathia Gali at 10 am.

    When we woke up in the morning, we saw that it was raining heavily. The Teacher said that we will go to Nathia Gali again some day but the children were very stubborn that we will go today. Then we will leave on the same day. Nathia Gali was quite beautiful. But we haven't seen snow yet. The purpose of our trip to Nathia Gali was to sit on the chair lift. But due to rain, the chair lift was closed. We were quite disappointed and came back again.

    Our despair ended when we saw that it had started snowing. And that was when I saw snow falling for the first time. I was very happy and we all got out of our bus and started enjoying the snow

    Soon the snow started to fall fastly and we returned to our hotel. I have heard that there are two types of snowfall, one is small and falls at a high speed. And one that is cottony and falls quite slowly. But I only saw a kind of snow that falls quite fast. I was quite happy and I tried to capture those memories as much as possible

    The next day we left for Patriata. I had heard enough about Patriata that it was quite a beautiful place. Patriata is located on a mountain and we went to the top of the Patriata. A view of the entire Murree was visible from there and there were numerous Cypress trees. They were so tall that they covered an entire hill. These hills and this natural environment was quite beautiful. It was quite cold there and the temperature was -2 degree at that time.

    The snowfall was in full force and we were touching the heights of this hill. When we reached its top, we got off the bus. It was quite monumental and there was immense snow. It snows there for six whole months and we got crazy seeing the snow and we started hitting each other with that snow. It was like my inner child woke up and I started playing with the snow


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    All Pictures are @sahi1

    Connect to Discord: @sahi1

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