Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - The way action is used in the story is successful

in voilk •  3 months ago

    After watching the movie Arena yesterday, where I found the story's immersion insufficient due to the static and single location use of action, I watched the opposite movie, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, today.


    When I watched these two productions, in which the action aspect is prominent but there are differences in the way they are used, one day apart, I once again saw how important the action scenes are in the progression of the story of the movie. Contrary to my criticism yesterday, today the action scenes provide an incredible immersion in the story of the movie. The action scenes that start in a closed house take us to the roads, some of them turn into car chases. When all this is in harmony with the story of the movie, it is an incredible pleasure to watch.

    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit turns out to be a successful production with the beginning of the story, its progression and the use of action scenes in the right places. There is a story beginning outside of the spy movies I have watched. Thanks to the crumbs of love added to the beginning of the story, the scenes in the later moments of the movie become more meaningful, and the reasons for the sacrifices made for the sake of it become more understandable.

    I liked the script, the performances of the actors, the locations used and the extra flavor that the little details in the story added to the movie. I don't know if it's special for me to scrutinize some details when the story is about real life, but when the movie has a far-fetched story or takes place in a fantastic, fictional future, I am far from doing that scrutiny.


    Since the story of the movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is based on the real world and refers to the lives of real people, I can make this analysis on a small detail. It's getting a bit boring in these kinds of stories to first create an artificial enemy figure and then to create a hero by thwarting the artificial enemy. As someone who watches as many movies as possible, believe me, I have seen more than a hundred movies with this theme. Some of the war movies also have this theme and they are almost the same theme.

    In terms of actor performances, Kevin Costner, who plays the character of William Harper, manages to make a difference in the movie because of his name. His choice of agents and the fact that he is not seen enough except for the final scenes of the movie shows that he is in the movie as a guest actor. What I really liked was Chris Pine as Jack Ryan. He looked very successful both in the scene where he was severely injured and in the scenes during his recovery. The parts where he was an agent were the peak moments of the movie.

    I liked the action aspect of the movie and the way the action was used in the story. I think the continuity and progression in the action scenes was good enough to set an example for every movie in this genre. As someone who likes exaggeration in action, I also liked the fact that the action was used at the level of reality.


    I can say that some small details made a positive difference to the movie, but I can't explain every one of them. You should watch the movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit to learn about them. I can guarantee that no viewer of the genre will be bored. Thank you for being here and reading, and I wish everyone who will watch it a good time.

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