5 Minute Freewrite - Dont Protect Him

in voilk •  4 months ago

    All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.



    Adrian is a very active boy and sometimes overly active. His parents were having a hard time to look after their children.

    In malls, Adrian would just run off, disappear and come back much later, creating loads of worry and unrest. And there was this one weekend were Adrian's cousin came over to play and sleepover. During that weekend after dinner, Adrian and his cousin wanted to play hide and seek. Then lo and behold, Adrian went missing. He picked a particular air condition vent opening to hide.

    While his cousin tried his best to look for Adrian, he couldn't. And finally after 20mins, sounds were heard from the attic. That is where the vent opening is and we then heard a loud thud sound. Arian fell off the vent opening and landed on his chin and he was in pain. However Adrian's step worried sick about where his son was now have to deal with a game carried too far situation and started reprimanding his son. Adrian's cousin tried to speak up for Adrian saying that it is just a Hide and Seek. But was told this, "Don't protect him, he need to learn to not do things to such extent which could end up having himself hurt.

    Adrian realize he had been playing games too extreme, so reflected upon it.

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