in voilk •  5 months ago

    Two to three years back I did not mind dying, I told myself If death should come I wouldn't regret ever living. But today it's not so, I'm certain I would be very terrified if I should face death, I know this having faced near-death situations then and now. Sometimes I ask myself what happened to that guy three years ago who was not afraid of dying or anything that comes in between. I was certain if death should come I wouldn't feel I was too young, and besides, nothing was holding me back. I knew my family would cry and miss me, but the things I achieved then were far more than money. I still have those things now, and I'm still proud of them, but the difference is I no longer see myself as successful.

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    I feel a man's success isn't measured by the things he has, but by how long he will be remembered when he's gone. As a believer permit me to give two instances of successful people. I'm quite sure even non-Christians know the apostle Paul, but I'm also certain that a lot of Christians do not know the man Pontius in the Bible. The man Pontius was far richer and greater than Paul in both their times, but if I do not mention his title “Pilate” you might never have a clue who I was talking about. And the only reason his status was ever mentioned in the scriptures was because it was on his order Jesus was crucified. Okay, I think that's enough, I'm not preaching a sermon here, but merely showing that money and power ain't success. Once both are gone, whatever can remain and stand the test of time is a success.


    Men like Albert Einstein, and Issac Newton, whose lives were dedicated to achieving one goal, suffered for not being like the ordinary man, and were rejected because they believed in the impossible, some of them died without getting the recognition they deserved, but today their invention has formed the foundation by which humanity is thriving. This I would say is success. Three years ago, I had successfully made the lives of a group of teenagers without direction or future ambition better, I was proud of myself and felt I had achieved success, but today I look at how successful they have become knowing that my input formed the foundation of their success, and I wish I could do more.

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    Now my dream is bigger, but their success isn't enough, I want to do more, I feel I can, and if I can, then I might say I am successful. I remember the man who exposed me to some of my skill set today, though he didn't die wealthy, I have become a product of him, and so have those whom I have impacted. Now you see, success is in stages, I want to be successful by making men and impacting them with skill sets that would make their lives better. I count it as success because, at the end of the day, they will be better and raise others who will be better. Wait what if I had not reached out to them, those others might never have had the opportunity to be successful. If I die, I do not want to be remembered for being a son or brother alone, I want to be remembered for the impact I've made, so the only reason I'm scared of dying is because I haven't done enough.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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