
in voilk •  last month

    u-fucken-suck (4).jpg

    Maybe you've not heard the term, it's typically an English and Australian slang word and is not generally used in every country, so let me clarify its meaning.

    The dictionary meaning of the term wanker is: 'someone who masturbates'.

    The word has derogatory meanings also and is used to indicate someone is a jerk, idiot, fool, dolt and so on. Let me show you in a sentence:

    "Hey, you're a fucken wanker."

    It can also be used in different ways as aa comment like:

    "Don't be a fucken wank stain."

    It's a multi-purpose word and a very common one for those in the UK and Australia and some other places...but in its purest form it means, one who masturbates, which means it pertains to pretty much everyone who ever lived. Yeah you too...Come on, you know it does.

    You may ask yourself if I've gone fucken bonkers more bonkers than usual for talking about this on a post but there's a point to it...I hope there'll be a point.

    For my #weekend-engagement topics this weekend I added a topic that opens the opportunity to talk about masturbation. I made the topic for a few reasons: To create an opportunity for people to show personality, get creative with post-content, tackle a subject often kept private, to bring humour, their opinions and a little reality to the Hive blockchain. In truth, I try to angle all my topics at those things because I think the blockchain needs more of it; personality and reality.

    You can see the topics post here if you're interested.

    It's been interesting to see some of the comments I've received about the topic.

    Mostly people stated that no one will answer that topic however several people already have (I've rewarded them with solid voting because they showed courage and personality) and some responded favourably hoping to see some interesting posts based on the topics. One comment spoke of 'dick pics' which struck me as odd considering masturbation isn't something that is unique only to the male population. It's interesting to see people's reaction to a very human thing that most human beings have engaged in at some point...if they're honest about it.

    Thinking on the topic and how people have responded led me to think about society in general.

    Some have responded in such a prudish way and yet society is awash with pornography, images and videos of people masturbating, fucking, licking ass, sucking things and putting things into places where those things would normally not go...you know what I mean right? Yes you do, don't deny it. You know you know.

    So why does a writing topic about something most people do or have done elicit such opinions in a world filled with pornography? I have no clue.

    These days one doesn't have to try too hard to find pornography as there's an endless supply and it's mostly free. Anyone can make it too, just get a smart phone and an internet connection and it's dick and pussy, dildos and vibrators everywhere! It's very weird to me that a person would want to do so of course, but money is a powerful motivator and some are inclined to be exhibitionists I guess - A perfect match for some.

    Anyway, I said there'd be a point and I'm not sure if I've delivered on that. This is just me thinking out loud I suppose as I'm a little mind-blown that some have approached one of the topics this week in such a prudish way and as if the topic is taboo or something, especially so since all those things above are things those people have probably been involved with in some way either actively or as an observer on a website.

    What's really cool is that some have risen to the challenge of my topic and created some really great posts around it and the subject of madturbation and it's great to see how each have approached it.

    Any thoughts? Feel free to comment below if you want to, or maybe take on the topic (follow the link above to learn the rules of entry first) if you are so inclined.

    Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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    Image(s) in this post are my own

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