in voilk •  23 hours ago


    Please the post on Teens lesson is a mistake, it was a repeat of 22nd September 2024. I will post the rightful one tomorrow.

    Last week's lesson, Jesus healed the man born blind without his asking Him to do so. Today, He heals another blind man in a different way and under different circumstance.

    The main point of this lesson is the blind man’s persistent spirit. It was this that made him receive his sight. If we persevere and not give up easily, then we will receive what we pray for.

    Bartimaeus also refused to allow himself to be silenced by the crowd that followed Jesus. Another point of this lesson is that we should not allow people to confuse us in our determination to serve Jesus Christ..


    Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43




    All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.(John 6:37).



    To help the child understand that Christ heals both physical and spiritual blindness.

    FOCUS :

    At the cause of this lesson, each participant will show that he or she understands the lesson by:

    1. Participating in acting out the details of the story.
    2. Asking God to give him or her compassion for the handicapped persons.
    3. Answering the questions that come at the end of the lesson.


    1. Bartimaeus Hears about Jesus (Mark 10:46-47):

    Jesus and His disciples were visiting the city of Jericho. A large crowd followed them as was always the case. The crowd made so much noise that a blind man who sat at the roadside, begging, heard it, and he wanted to know what was happening.

    Bartimaeus was the name of the man. He was blind and day after day, he sat outside the city of Jericho begging for money. From people's conversations, Bartimaeus may have learned that there was a man called Jesus who did great things. He may have heard that this Jesus also opened the eyes of the blind. Probably, he may have wished Jesus would come one day and open his own eyes.

    Bartimaeus knew that a large crowd was approaching. Everybody sounded so excited. As the crowd came closer, the noise became louder. Bartimaeus had to ask those who came close to him, “What is happening? They told him that one man named Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.

    Bartimaeus could not believe his ears. The Jesus he has been hearing so much about; Jesus of Nazareth, his only hope of seeing with eyes. He wondered how he could reach Jesus. He just didn’t know what to do. But he must do something. Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.

    2. Bartimaeus Shouts for Mercy (Mark 10:47-50):

    The idea that came to Bartimaeus was he should shout. Bartimaeus started to cry loud, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” He cried out as loudly as he could so that Jesus would hear him above the noise of the crowd. Nothing was going to stop him from getting the attention of Jesus.

    Many people in the crowd turned around and looked at the beggar who was trying to disturb Jesus and distract Him from what He was doing. The crowd felt the noise was a nuisance. They scolded him to be quiet. These people thought that Jesus was too busy to be disturbed by a poor, blind beggar.

    Bartimaeus cried louder at the top of his voice saying, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus heard him and stopped, “bring that man to me. Jesus is never too busy or big to hear anybody. The memory verse says that Jesus will never cast out anyone who comes to Him.

    The people heard what Jesus said and told Bartimaeus, “Cheer up! Get up! He is calling you.” Bartimaeus jumped to his feet, threw his rag coat aside, and was led to Jesus.

    3. Bartimaeus Receives his sight (Mark 10:50-52; Luke 18:35-43):

    When Bartimaeus came to Jesus, Jesus asked him a question: “What would you want me to do for you?” That was an open check for Bartimaeus. He didn't need to think because he knew what he wanted. He simply said, “Master, I want to see with my eyes”

    Jesus cares. He is bothered with our cries. He wants us to tell Him our needs so that He can answer us. He wanted Bartimaeus to say exactly what he needed. That was why He asked him to come.

    In answer to Bartimaeus’ request to see, Jesus simply said, “Receive your sight: your faith has saved you”

    Instantly, his eyes were opened and he began to see clearly. How wonderful! The faith of Bartimaeus had saved him. He would no longer be a poor, blind beggar. Now he would work and earn his living. By giving Bartimaeus sight, Jesus had also given him a new life.


    Bode’s father was told in the hospital that he had “stones” in his kidney, the only way to remove them was by surgery. Even though, the man was very sick, he refused to accept the operation. He would rather be healed by God. So, he went home and began to pray to be healed. But as he prayed, his pains increased, yet he continued to pray with faith.

    When his people saw that he was in much pains, they tried to persuade him to go in for the operation - yet he refused. As the days went by, his condition became worse. But he continued to believe God's faithfulness. One Friday night, the man’s brothers came and gave him an order to go for the operation the very next day as they didn’t want to lose him.

    Bode’s father, however, refused to be discouraged. He begged them to give him the whole weekend and if by Monday, he was not healed, he would, then go in for operation.

    While in Church on Sunday morning, God encouraged him through the scriptures. That night, as he was urinating, he miraculously passed out the “Stones” in his urine. God honoured the man’s persistent faith and healed him.


    Mon: As Far as You Can See (Genesis 13:14-18)
    Tue: God’s Word Enlightens (Psalm 19:7-8).
    Wed: Lord Open Our Eyes (Psalm 119:18).
    Thu: What Do You See? (Jeremiah 1:11-12).
    Fri: How Do You See? (Mark 8:22-25).
    Sat: Anoint Your Eyes (Revelation 3:17-18).


    The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available.


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